how to read spark memory process/heap?

hi there, hopefully quick question i have 12 gb ram for our multiplayer server, and our console says 12gb. however, spark says 3.2 gb for process, and 3.2 gb for heap. spark is extremely confusing for me. does aikar's flags make those sections vary? or is it something i should ask the hosting folks about? thank you
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Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta2mo ago
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SilentBot2mo ago
This has to do with how Java allocates memory, not to do with spark specifically.
SyrenaOP2mo ago
oo kk i noticed the numbers fluctuate n stuff as i'm exploring so yea not concerned about it anymore unrelated but still don't know what spark means when it talks about ping (mine? server? wat)
SilentBot2mo ago
Your launch flags -Xmx specify the maximum size the heap can grow to, as it needs more memory. Your launch flags -Xms specify the starting size of the heap when your server starts. The heap will grow from Xms to Xmx as your server needs more memory. Your panel may show the full 12G allocated, as your server can grow up to the full 12G and it is reserved for your server, but spark will show what your current actual usage compared to the maximum you have set.
SyrenaOP2mo ago
ooo ty! that makes sense

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