Vanilla jar doesn’t work, other jars do
I setup an smp for our friends using Purpur, but then we now want to experience non bugpatched Minecraft. I, the server owner, followed the guide of Purpur and moved all the world files correctly.
The vanilla jar with the correct version starts with the same memory flags and no gui. I tried connecting, but my client said “Out of memory!”. This signals my client is out of memory, but this doesn’t happen with the Purpur jar.
How would I fix this? The server console, on the other hand, is normal.
82 Replies
My client has been allocated enough memory of 5GBs, and the Java flags are as normal.
This also happens with other clients, such as Lunar Client, Fabric Loader, and the vanilla client from Microsoft.
The official vanilla jar I am talking about is from Mojang’s website (
The server java version is Java 21
I’m pretty sure this is not a client issue but the server is given enough ram, I even tried incrementing.
The client, also was given enough ram, also tried incrementing the values but failed.
I wonder which difference between the vanilla jar and Purpur makes the vanilla jar harder to join
impossible to join*
Purpur uses less memory than vanilla iirc, anyways for unpatched use fabric with optimization mods, better performance without patching bugs etc
Yes, you probably mean Purpur uses less server memory than vanilla. However the crash is happening on the client, and the server does not show any signs of insufficient resources.
Right but client memory allocation and server is different
What are your startup flags on client and server?
And how much ram do you have in total
(I assume this is ran on the same machine?)
No, the server is on a VPS with 24GB RAM, and 6GB allocated.
Xmx 6G, Xms 3G, nogui
Client is given 4GB of RAM allocated.
Ah, hmm
Try using fabric
Alright, I’ll check the results.
@ProGamingDK Weird, I installed Lithium and Fabric on both server and client
But it still crashes.
(the client does)

I don't know why Meteor Client mods would conflict with server jars, but I'm guessing it's a naming conflict of something
Nevermind, it's a warning.
The error is irrelevant.
-Xmx 6GB flags to the server
and -Xmx 4096M for the client
I will try the flag
right now, for the server and client.
still crashes.
@ProGamingDK I guess I will use Purpur for now, please keep me updated if any similar issues occur to other people. Thanks for the support.
And yes, switched to Purpur and now working correctly.

Thats server not client tho
Add spark mod to client and do /sparkc health
on Purpur?
is this for while on the purpur server?
cause i cannot join the vanilla server, the client just crashes
Is the only difference the jars? Same world same etc?
Yes. Oh, the world saving methods are different, but I followed Paper (Purpur)'s guide to do it, should be all good.

Is it the same world
If it's your player problem, ask them to provide their log at that time, this will be easier to investigate
Log can be found at
~/Application Support/minecraft/logs
thats for client logs
on the vanilla client
What's crashing is the client, not the server.
But the server jar depends on whether the client crashes.
LOL oopsie
Happens on other people too
this is so weird i have past experience of other jars working very well and even with bungeecord and less ram
Client crashes on Out Of Memory!
oh and there are no matching logs

this happened on Jan 20 for me
odd question
tried swapping java's?
since you are using mac, perhaps try out the Azulu java
The vanilla client didn't seem to have recorded logs, Fabric with some other mods with the same crash did indeed log this crash
Azul | Better Java Performance, Superior Java Support
Azul Downloads
try using "Prism Launcher" it has a console that sometimes gets more information then a latest.log does :shrug:
Prism Launcher - Home
An Open Source Minecraft launcher with the ability to manage multiple instances, accounts and mods. Focused on user freedom and free redistributability.
its also mac native
I use modrinth, that has a console.
does the server run on your mac?
No, it runs on an Ubuntu VPS
mclogs you lier
its calling ur logs as server logs
ohh server logs?


Metor client :eyessus:
uhhhhhhh 2b2t 😉
for 1.21.4? :3
happens on lunar client too
i think its essentials and or metor dragging the ram up quickly
tried on a pack like fabulously optimized?
thats performance based only
ill try it

the weird thing is: it only happens when the server is running the vanilla jar from
the out of ram errors?
are you running plugins on the server?
and the server, doesnt seem to show any warnings or logs
not on purpur, and not on vanilla
this just shows the vanilla jar is SHIT
+ fabric jar doesnt work too
maybe bc fabric doesnt patch vanilla's dupe glitches that are essentialy "features" in smps
and that is my goal
do you have any datapacks?
very odd
No datapacks or plugins
should i just try
instead of migrating
should i just try a new fresh vanila server
and see if that works
if your friends are down for that sure
fabulously optimized, and with the SERVER RUNNING ON LOCALHOST (mac vanilla jar)

seems to be running justttt fine
time to try this out with the same jar on ubuntu
ofc diff server diff port
:stevegun: dns delay
disabling firewall here we go
no way
it worked
im just smarter
tf is the problem the world dir structure is the same everything is the same breh
wait big brain lemme try moving the world to here

moved the world, still fine
tf is this issue lol
final test: will it work without fabulously optimized
it works
what the....
i guess u are just smarter lol
You use meteor client?