Building plot squared
How do i go about building plot squared? i have got the files from github, now what?

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Requested by cobrawalker#0
Google "how to compile Java project using gradel" would probably get you the answer has instructions on a couple ways but basically we make a file that compiles using 'mvn package' in a clone of the git files
Stack Overflow
How to Create a jar file from github project
I want a jar file for the project but I don't see any link on the site which gives me jar file. There is a link on right menu to download the project as zip file...

also seems like gradle didnt start there
Reading the errors explains the errors :FrogeBIGEYES:
i got it
i think
my bad
i cloned the thing instead of downloading it

its done
now i gotta figure out where it put the jar
Should have a output folder or a done folder
Me thinks
maven uses a "target" folder
when done

but maven aint gradle so idk
"Bukkit"? possibly
else just
ctrl + f
no jar
i checked all

if i run it again
What folder are you running gradle from?

Send a full screen shot of your terminal?
it closes very fast
i barely get second to ss
How are you trying to build this??
i assume the bat they provide?
they don't have instructions

i see nothing about how to build it
Did you follow this?
this confuses me
Have you cloned the repo?
The package is using gradle not maven, i think that link is for maven
im cloning it again
It is
ok i re-cloned the thing
Clone it
gradlew clean
gradlew build
Enjoy your jar file
DOing this right now
Approx commands, I think special formatting is needed for


doing what u told me
what gradle version you have?
i cloned the git
then ran the bat
after that i ran what leche told me in cmd
in folder
nvm i still dont have jar
.github/ at main · IntellectualSites/.github
An internal repository to share configurations across the organization. - IntellectualSites/.github
these instructions are vague
i did them and nothing
i got something

Bottom one
it doesn't work
"doesn't work" gives me nothing to help you with capt
that's why
had to use the one in top
that one works

could be sources Doesnt work
but just doesnt give a error message
i got it
thanks btw
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Requested by cobrawalker#0
How did you solve it?
I build it but its failing to load in my server

Don't actually include the error or anything :FrogeBIGEYES:
What do you mean by that? should i remove screenshots?
I was being sarcastic, I thought both the screenshots said the same thing.
The second one says that the jar doesnt have the plugin.yml or paper-plugin.yml
so i think thats the real issue from the compiling process
Open the jar in like 7zip to see if it has a plugins.yml
It seems it doesnt

check if sources work
the jar with sources in it
let me check
but just a small screenshot of what the sources contains
has a
mind checking the contents of
Has the same error, no plugin.yml file

Ok, just found there was a bukkit folder... Working now

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Requested by cobrawalker#0