•Created by Cardoril on 8/19/2023 in #questions
My server wont connect
My server had a world not connecting and was lagging from being online for a long time without rebooting the computer it runs from, but after restarting the computer the entire system runs and the servers config has not changed since beforehand but its not even reading the connections at all anymore, nothing changed since before, ip is the same, the ports are the same, firewall still allows players through, but it still keeps saying 'cannot connect to server' and placed to read its connection say its offline.
92 replies
•Created by Cardoril on 7/22/2023 in #questions
Velocity server was working until i added one more server to it
my skyblock server was down for a while due to forgetting to add the ip velocity would send to but after rebooting my skyblock server with correct ip the whole velocity seems to have stopped working. the consoles all see the connection attempts but none actually allow connection any idea what happened?
6 replies
•Created by Cardoril on 7/21/2023 in #questions
Slash worldname velocity
I got my velocity server mostly working by the velociy plugin i added isnt actually acting on any of the servers, its meant to let me switch servers with /(servername) but its not treating any of it as a command how do i get it to work
7 replies
•Created by Cardoril on 7/21/2023 in #questions
Multiport server with bridge capability
My computer finally came in and i am working on porting over a copy of everythign to the new pc, but i need a non mv primary to use for multiple servers running at once, anyone know the good one i think i heard spigot before but im not sure the exact link to the correct one for waterfall type area as it needs to support paper plugins as well
25 replies
•Created by Cardoril on 7/18/2023 in #questions
per world spawn with /(world name) tp
I am trying to work on world specific spawn points for world groups and also ensue that when using a world tp they spawn where they were when disconnecting from the world, but spawn in a hub, does anyone know a plugin for paper 1.20 or multiple plugins that would enable that type of command, I currently use mv tp (world name) for it which is not that efficient
May be slow saying it's solved as I will be working on it in a few hours.
12 replies