•Created by Zestian on 8/23/2023 in #questions
Prevent user with specific mods to join the server
Hello, is there a way from a pufferfish/paper server to prevent users from joining if they have a specific mod instaled?
24 replies
•Created by Zestian on 8/22/2023 in #questions
UHC plugins recomendations
Hello, any uhc plugin recomendation for an uhc server? can be premium or free
2 replies
•Created by Zestian on 8/16/2023 in #questions
Compiling PlayerVaults
Does anyone know how to compile the playerVaults repo?
17 replies
•Created by Zestian on 8/11/2023 in #questions
Hello im currently hosting a server with oracle cloud, what would be a good anti ddos for this? The server is not big enough to pay for a really good service like cloudflare
17 replies
•Created by Zestian on 8/9/2023 in #questions
best discordsrv placement
Hello! Currently i want to sync ranks with the ranks the user has on discord! But im thinking where would be the best placement for discord srv
- Lobby?
- On all servers?
What do you think of this? i feel the lobby one would be the best Since that would be the first entrypoint of the user to the app. However when i start adding multiple lobbys, discord srv would require to setup on all lobbys, and im concerned about this
10 replies
•Created by Zestian on 8/6/2023 in #questions
Keep chunk loaded
Hello! Currently running a minigames sever, I'm which all the minigames are in the same map, players play the first one and are teleported to the next one. However I have seen a lag spike in that teleport.
I think one issue is related to the new chunk being loaded server side. I would like to know how to keep the chunks of the minigame areas loaded, so the server doesnt have to unload and load everytime a game is played? I'm using puffer fish for the server
8 replies
•Created by Zestian on 8/5/2023 in #questions
IPTables rules for backends in different ip of proxy
Hello, im having some trouble with iptables rules in my vps, y want to protect the port of the servers to allow only the connection from the proxy (by only allowing the proxy ip) however the rules im using disables all trafic, can anyone help me create the best rules for iptables? (im really new on iptables)
20 replies
•Created by Zestian on 8/1/2023 in #questions
Corpse plugin
Hello currently for my minigame server i want when the users die to display a corpse, just for roleplaying purpouses, i dont want it to have inventory and all that stuff. Is there a good corpse plugin out there?
44 replies
•Created by Zestian on 8/1/2023 in #questions
Name hide of all players
Currently im using TAB plugin to hide players their nametags in some minigames that require nametags to be hidden. However when combined with unlimited nametag mod it causes a lot of processing, since it needs to be disabled for all players one by one. Is there a way to disable globally with the server running? i know there is a global option for disabling nametags but requires the plugin to be reloaded
2 replies
•Created by Zestian on 7/31/2023 in #questions
Recommended pterodactyl panel theme
7 replies
•Created by Zestian on 7/26/2023 in #questions
Litebans unmute
Are there automatic unmute actions for litebans? Like for example the mute timeouts automatically, can i run a command when the mute expires?
4 replies
•Created by Zestian on 7/25/2023 in #questions
Best floodgate bedrock prefix
Hello, whats the commonly used bedrock prefix for geyserr players in floodgate? currently my users are not using prefix, but that makes some plugins to not detect bedrock players, so im planning to add that
37 replies
•Created by Zestian on 7/25/2023 in #questions
Anti night vision pack
Hello currently i have a server where the lights go off, and its important to the users to be in the dark
However they have been using night vision texture packs with optifine.
How do i protect the server against this packs?
I ahve been using blindness effect but normal users are not liking it since it just adds a fog
11 replies
•Created by Zestian on 7/24/2023 in #questions
Best velocity player balancer
Is there some velocity plugins to balance players between servers groups?
6 replies
•Created by Zestian on 7/24/2023 in #questions
Best friends plugin
Hello currently im lookgin for the best friends plugin, this is one that ihave on mind
Is this plugin good? are there other alternatives?
5 replies
•Created by Zestian on 7/23/2023 in #questions
Clans plugin
Hello im planning to add a clans plugin, however i was thinking between
iw as planning to add friends functionality to my server. Is the paid version of friends worth more than the one with simple clans?
7 replies
•Created by Zestian on 7/19/2023 in #questions
Best VULCAN AC Configuration
I have always wondered whats the best config to detect cheats. Currently y have the default one
14 replies
•Created by Zestian on 7/19/2023 in #questions
Best GRIM AC configuration
I have always wondered whats the best config to detect cheats. Currently y have the default one
14 replies
•Created by Zestian on 7/19/2023 in #questions
EssentialsX is worth?
Is it worth to use it? or is better to just install the functionalities you need with other plugins
4 replies
•Created by Zestian on 7/18/2023 in #questions
does anyone know a free alternative of plot squared?
Hello im currently want to do a small creative server for my community, this server wont give revenue to me, so i would like to find a lite/free version of plot squared if anyone knows of one
17 replies