Best method for updating a modded Pixelmon/BoP world
I am working on a fairly large custom adventure map with a build team. As it is a modded world we're mostly sitting in 1.12.2, running Biome o Pleanty, Pixelmon Generations, World Edit, Voxel snipers, and a few commands in Magma all based in Forge. This past week one of the core mods, Pixelmon released a Beta Update and there has been chatter about updating. The main problem I am running into is that Biomes o Pleanty and Pixelmon seemed to have nuked their block ID pathing like Vanilla did circa 1.13 I have been digging into old Spiggot forum posts, and WorldEdit API documentation, and have found plausible solutions in both. The world download sits around 11,000x6,500 blocks and I would like to consult a hivemind before throwing myself hours into a my first project of this type.
My plan would be to pause the building over a (hopefully short) period of time with the builders, __, come out the other side with the map having all of the block states the same, or as close to the same as manageable. and kick the server back live for the builders, and eventually launch the map.
Obviously the ___ is the part I am struggling with approaching since most of the conversations I have seen mostly center around strictly vanilla world. I think due to the sizee of the world, doing the edit in a Singleplayer version of the world download will help with lag, and maybe cut down on time. But I don't know the best jumping off point for digging in wikis myself. So I was wondering if anyone had insight where to point me for my own research, or if anyone has experience here to help I'd be so appreciative. Thx
15 Replies
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Requested by bubblegun#0
just install the the updated mod
but dont deleted the the pixelmon folder
Oh shoot, I installed the new version on a different drive no wonder our builds lost have their blocks

i will give this a shout, thanks!
Unfortunately this did not resolve things. Tried a lot before I dug into the mod stuff. Turns out the new owners of Generations have switched it to a side mod of cobblemon instead of updating generations. So this fundamentally has changed my question to: what would be the best way to run an update to take any given block of a mod and swap it with either another vanilla block or another mod's block
that worked for me
u have backup's
Sure I will send DM
ok ty
hmm i think its the mod problem
i gonna keep looking
yeah that was what I ran into too. thanks for looking
starting to think its a mod problem
yeah I am starting to think this is something that doesn't have a seamless solution, and will require manual labour to make some block id mapping across the mods
Just to be clear, are you just trying to update the mods, or also update Minecraft versions at the same time?
Sorry for missing your message Snow, I was looking to update the server to 1.20 since PixelmonGenerations and BiomeOPlenty both appeared to have a 1.20.1 version. It looks like the new Generations update -since it switched owners- became a side mod of a different pokemon mod, Cobblemon. So as far as I have dug into it I would need to translate the Generations Blocks into a Cobblemon block so it can be automatically updated like it would work with Vanilla. I have been checking with the generations Mod makers directly to see if they are intending on creating that block mapping, or if I will need to start that process myself
It may be possible to use a tool like mcedit to map over the block IDs in a schematic?
I thought so too but with the size of world and the builds in it are a tad large. World Edit API was my first thought at the beginning of the post, or Voxel Sniper to do it on the back end. But I am very new to those systems so I wanted to first check with the hivemind of this server π
Returning to this thread to say the best solution was to commission a mod and mapping for the updates. DMs are open if you want details, but if anyone has similar issues just know the problem is was way bigger than expected.
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Requested by bubblegun#0