Best way in 2024 to promote/market a Minecraft server?
In the past serverlists were all you really needed to have a decent playerbase, I've noticed that it's a lot more difficult now.
Of all of the methods, which would you recommend? Sponsored slots on server lists? Content creators?
Please let me know your thoughts!
6 Replies
Thanks for asking your question!
Make sure to provide as much helpful information as possible such as logs/what you tried and what your exact issue is
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Requested by nunyabizbro#0
Discord servers for advertising
Mc forums
Voting sites
Content videos
Paid ads
Word of mouth
I only use the first 4, and it sucks
What's your server's playerbase like?
Geopol server
So.. toxic a bit
Keep in mind most people will be stupid and leave instantly or be inactive
I meant player count.
Ah none currently, had 108 on first season