Mob spawner help

I have mob spawners puchasable in a shop gui using deluxemenus and the silkspawner bridge. I am in a bit of a predicament.. I need to let players mine there spawners back up if they need to move it but if I allow that then all the mob spawners in the world are minable as well. I already had a big issue with players doing this so I had to disable mining of spawners until I can figure this out. I can't remove all spawners in the world as it would take too long and way too much work. So how could I make it so only spawners are mineable for the ones they puchased in the shop? Or if theres a better solution let me know. I tried removing all spawners in the world but I have another world where spawners spawn too so it would take way too long and just isnt the way im going to go about this.
3 Replies
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Requested by xxer0#0
ProGamingDk2y ago
you probably would need a custom plugin for this tbf
xer0OP2y ago
I kinda started to figure that

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