Port forwarding a home server

Hi all! I recently setup a home server running CasaOS through a debian linux install. I know barely anything about networking, and I am just relying on TCPShield as a reverse proxy to keep people off of my home IP. I opened up the port 25555 since I don't want to use the default 25565 in-case I need to open up more servers on it in the future, and I also opened a port for a dynmap on 8123 (I don't know if I needed to do this or not, and if I need to also secure that since I don't think TCPShield will cover that). Now my main question here is, after I have opened up the ports, what do I do now? My router already has a static IP setup locally, and the ports are opened, I just don't really know how to configure it, and I also just have some security concerns since like I said, I don't have much networking knowledge and don't know what TCPSheild fully covers. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!
4 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta7mo ago
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Requested by eightballz0#0
lavaking467mo ago
You can use a domain for ease of sharing and then use something like DDNS if you don't want to get a static ip to keep it up to date. Share the ip/domain with those you want to join and it should work. If you are using a domain you will need SRV records and A records in order to allow players to join since you aren't using the default port. in terms of the dynmap I would recommend proxying that through a domain managed in cloudflare but if you don't have a domain then you can't do that.
eightballzOP7mo ago
I know about domains and all of that, I actually already have one setup, but right now I have the ports opened, I just have no idea how to actually set them up with the server through the Linux terminal and all that. And I know I could setup a reverse proxy through dynmap, but just using a domain doesn’t fully hide my IP.
lavaking467mo ago
It doesn't but routing it through cloudflare(which should work for dynmap) would hide your IP. On your router you would have set the ports to be open and forwarded to the static IP of your server. make sure the firewall on your server allows those two ports and then people should be able to join using your IP/domain.

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