Plugin that adds custom music?
Is there any 1.21+ plugin that can add custom music to certain areas or when some events are happening (boss fights, cut scenes,etc..)?
or should I just use skript and do everything myself lol
Edit: I should also add that I plan to add about 150 new tracks, as every single quest and town on the server will have it's own theme
7 Replies
Most voice chat plugins can be extended
Thanks a lot man
Is it per player tho?
For example, if one player is in town 1, while other players are in town 2; can I make it so they can hear different songs?
i think?
you’ll need to look into it tho
Okay, thanks
I dont know about per area music but ItemsAdder can add music (of your choice) to the server
I guess per area music is achievable with some music plugin + WorldGuard.
I can maybe try to combine itemsadder and WorldGuard then?
Thanks for your recommendation btw, appreciate you man ☺️
Np, you can also always suggest an addon or extra worldgaurd flag to LoneDev