Does Eigencraft redstone actually break anything?
Is there any redstone builds that Eigencraft redstone actually breaks? I can't seem to find an answer other than it probably wont break anything.
as stated in pufferfish docs:
- use-faster-eigencraft-redstone: true When enabled, this option replaces the vanilla redstone algorithm with a far faster algorithm. There have been little to no reports of this breaking redstone contraptions that work on vanilla servers.
11 Replies
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Requested by programmerv0.0.1#0
This patch implements theosib's redstone algorithms to completely overhaul the way redstone works.
The new algorithms should be many times faster than current vanilla ones.
From the original author's comments, it looks like it shouldn't interfere with any redstone save for very extreme edge-cases.
I've heard alternate current is betterAnswer is no until it’s yes. If u want vanilla redstone. Use vanilla redstone. Don’t use paper, use fabric.
thanks, but I wanted to know about what Eigencraft changes, not how to make redstone vanilla...
Tl;dr none of us know because a) probably 0.5% of us use it and b) none of us are testing bleeding edge redstone on a paper server
Better asked in a tmc community
even better idea
lets have mojang make alt current the vanilla redstone impl
Won’t ever happen, redstoners would riot
womp womp