Oversized chunk killing the server

Hi! So I am currently running a modded MC server with some friends. A few hours ago, a new message popped up in the console: "Saving oversized chunk [-89, 25] (1054315 bytes} to external file ./world/entities/c.-89.25.mcc" and since then, the server has been totally unplayable. My question is, how can I delete this chunk? I am having a lot of issues locating it since NBTexplorer won't open that file at all. Any help I can get? Thank you!
9 Replies
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lavaking462y ago
potentially just delete the file should be in world folder under entities
alvarozeus1OP2y ago
Wouldnt the server just save it again? Will try it tho
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Can't save what doesn't exist anymore.
lavaking462y ago
keep a copy of it just in case it deletes progress btw @alvarozeus1
alvarozeus1OP2y ago
PleaseSignOut2y ago
The exact same thing happened to me. NBTexplorer might tell you what is causing the chunk to be oversized but I have struggled getting that to help. This is my fix: •Make a backup of your server files •Locate whether this chunk is in the overworld, nether, or end •Unzip the server files and make a copy of the world folder with the corrupted chunk (my corrupted chunk was in DIM-1) •Label the copy of the world folder corrupted •Label the original world folder trimmed or something similar •Open mcaselector, open the world folder you labeled trimmed •Trim the chunk and all bordering chunks •Either rezip your server files and put it in your ftp access then “restore backup” or copy the individual world folder over and delete the old one. Either way you will need ftp access like FileZilla •Restart your server ^ this fix is only if nbtexplorer is yielding no results Otherwise nbtexplorer is way simpler
alvarozeus1OP2y ago
TYSM! Solved! !solved
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