Admincraft4mo ago

Deciding between 2 Hosts

Hey, im currently looking for a new host and until now found contabo VPS and Datalix KVM. Now contabo seems cheaper but i also heared that they often got downtime and about datalix i dont know very much. can someone help me deciding between them or maybe someone knows something better? i dont want to go over 15€. The main stuff i want to do on the server is Minecraft Servers, Host a Discord bot and a database and other side projects like websites or whatever comes in mind.
5 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta4mo ago
Thanks for asking your question!
Make sure to provide as much helpful information as possible such as logs/what you tried and what your exact issue is
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Requested by tizooo#0
Skullians4mo ago
datalix contabo has awful networking like iirc 10% average packetloss honestly just use shared mc hosting and then oracle cloud for a discord bot or use a heap discord bot plan
MrDadone4mo ago
Don't even consider contabo xD
Loudbook4mo ago
do not contabo cheap for a reason
TizoOP4mo ago
datalix it is

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