Command Aliasing of Existing Plugins

Hey so I'm using the Marketplace plugin by fabien91 and I'm configuring it to my server. I would like to change up some of the commands the plugin currently has to the following: /mp - Open the listings menu (Currently done by /mp listings) /mp sell [price] - Sell the currently held item (Currently done by /mp add [price]) Is there any way to do this? Thanks.
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Requested by litning11#0
ProGamingDk2y ago
commands.yml is a configuration file that houses custom defined aliases and command block overrides for your CraftBukkit server. The command block override system provides a quick and easy way to force the server to use the commands provided by Mojang (as opposed to the ones built into Bukkit) for command blocks specifically, leaving all other c...
Litning11OP2y ago
Does this work with commands with arguments? such as /mp sell as you need to specify a price
ProGamingDk2y ago
yes read it
ProGamingDk2y ago
No description
Litning11OP2y ago
So I have it set up like this but it doesn't work, any idea why?
- "marketplace:marketplace listings"
mp sell:
- "marketplace:marketplace add $1-"
- "marketplace:marketplace listings"
mp sell:
- "marketplace:marketplace add $1-"
No errors or anything, just wonr work
Louis_Dew2y ago
I dont think bukkit allows the alias to be multiple words long Although I could be wrong But mpsell might work instead of mp sell @Litning11 Yeah I looked into it and I think im right U can't have multiple words as a alias It has to be like mpsell So no spaces
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
should probably use $$1- btw
Litning11OP2y ago
Okay I'll try those, thanks guys

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