How to check which plugin send the message?
I have the problem that after sometimes (15s-10m) a blank line is sent to me. Is there a way to check which plugin send message? It can be an exist plugin, or Spigot code to achieve that.
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unfortunately you gotta do the tedious method of removing plugins until it goes away
might be a pain cause it can take up to 10m for it to happen. See if you can figure out what action causes the message to send. (next time it sends, ask everyone what they were doing)
Then hopefully you can make that 15s-10m down to a solid 2s, then easily be able to remove plugins til u figure out which one it is
Binary search your plugins
Remove half of your non-essential (ie not things like PAPI or LuckPerm) plugins and see if the problem is fixed.
If it still persists, the cause is in the half still installed.
Continue to halve the remaining plugins until you've narrowed it down to a single plugin.
Congratulations, you found the culprit.
Admincraft Canned Responses
so there is no event for message sent from plugins?
because every time my server restart it takes like 3 mins
it's a pain
also i think it will break some part in my server
even after reinstall the plugins