TPS issues

Hi there, I'm hoping to get some guidance as to how to prevent TPS issues on my server. There are arround 20-25 players online and we're pretty much constantly cycling between 14-18 TPS. Any tips/explanation as to why this is happening and what i can do to prevent it is extremely appreciated ❤️
spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers, and proxies.
29 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta9mo ago
Spark Profile Analysis
These are not magic values. Many of these settings have real consequences on your server's mechanics. See this guide for detailed information on the functionality of each setting.
❌ Outdated Flags
Add XX:G1MixedGCCountTarget=4 to flags.
❌ chunk-gc.period-in-ticks
Decrease this in bukkit.yml. Recommended: 400.
❌ entity-activation-range.wake-up-inactive.villagers-for
Decrease this in spigot.yml. Recommended: 20.
❌ entity-activation-range.wake-up-inactive.flying-monsters-for
Decrease this in spigot.yml. Recommended: 60.
❌ entity-activation-range.wake-up-inactive.villagers-max-per-tick
Decrease this in spigot.yml. Recommended: 1.
❌ entity-activation-range.wake-up-inactive.animals-for
Decrease this in spigot.yml. Recommended: 40.
❌ entity-activation-range.wake-up-inactive.monsters-max-per-tick
Decrease this in spigot.yml. Recommended: 4.
❌ entity-activation-range.wake-up-inactive.flying-monsters-max-per-tick
Decrease this in spigot.yml. Recommended: 1.
❌ entity-activation-range.wake-up-inactive.animals-max-per-tick
Decrease this in spigot.yml. Recommended: 2.
❌ entity-activation-range.wake-up-inactive.monsters-for
Decrease this in spigot.yml. Recommended: 60.
❌ arrow-despawn-rate
Decrease this in spigot.yml. Recommended: 300.
❌ tick-rates.container-update
Increase this in config/paper-world-defaults.yml. Recommended: 3.
Plus 1 more recommendations
Click the buttons below to see more
Requested by scandify#0 • Page 1 of 2
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta9mo ago
Thanks for asking your question!
Make sure to provide as much helpful information as possible such as logs/what you tried and what your exact issue is
Make sure to mark solved when issue is solved!!!
/close !close !solved !answered
Requested by scandify#0
Skullians9mo ago
611 item frames is not helping You have imo too many chickens / passive mobs for your playercount I would bump your sim / view down, 8 view 6 sim max As of this time (afaik) Paper 1.21 does not include all their performance patches getting the block states of PalettedContainers is 15% of your lag never seen that
ScandifyOP9mo ago
is this from itemframes? I do use a plugin to make itemframes invisible.. i wonder if it's causing more issues than good
Skullians9mo ago
I can’t tell. I would try cut down on your item frame count
ProGamingDk9mo ago
It includes none
Skullians9mo ago
oh right CPU doesn’t have the greatest singlethreaded performance but isn’t bad
ScandifyOP9mo ago
I'm able to upgrade, but i've been on a worse CPU before with more players without these isssues. I'm trying to tink of a way to limit the amount of item frames, and generally all animals as the count is quite high. Any idea for a solution? This is spontaniously what I was looking at:
ProGamingDk9mo ago
when, was this? also on 1.21?
ScandifyOP9mo ago
on a past server, 1.20 I believe
ProGamingDk9mo ago
1.21 has none of the paper optimization patches
ScandifyOP9mo ago
I see, I guess that's a big contributor. My fault for risking an early update
ScandifyOP9mo ago
Hi again, I've uploaded the latest Purpur that got released a few hours ago and it seems to have helped with TPS slightly, though now i'm getting big TPS drops down to around 10TPS every 15 minutes or so. I've caught the TPS drops in 3 different spark reports, though the spark report doesn't seem to pick it up? The TPS drops down to 10-11 go back to 20 TPS after 5-10 seconds, i can't see a specific command in console that players run to trigger it
spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers, and proxies.
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta9mo ago
Spark Profile Analysis
These are not magic values. Many of these settings have real consequences on your server's mechanics. See this guide for detailed information on the functionality of each setting.
✅ Your server isn't lagging
Your server is running fine with an average TPS of 19.
Requested by scandify#0
ScandifyOP9mo ago
spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers, and proxies.
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta9mo ago
Spark Profile Analysis
These are not magic values. Many of these settings have real consequences on your server's mechanics. See this guide for detailed information on the functionality of each setting.
❌ entity-activation-range.wake-up-inactive.villagers-for
Decrease this in spigot.yml. Recommended: 20.
❌ entity-activation-range.wake-up-inactive.animals-for
Decrease this in spigot.yml. Recommended: 40.
❌ entity-activation-range.wake-up-inactive.monsters-max-per-tick
Decrease this in spigot.yml. Recommended: 4.
❌ entity-activation-range.wake-up-inactive.animals-max-per-tick
Decrease this in spigot.yml. Recommended: 2.
❌ entity-activation-range.wake-up-inactive.monsters-for
Decrease this in spigot.yml. Recommended: 60.
❌ mobs.villager.spawn-iron-golem.radius
Increase this in purpur.yml. Recommended: 5.
Requested by scandify#0
ProGamingDk9mo ago
@Scandify when running only ticks over use 51 or higher
ScandifyOP9mo ago
ScandifyOP8mo ago
I managed to catch some lag, still having TPS issues from time to time. With over 20 players, it's not unbearable but we're nearly never at a stable 20TPS, idiling around 16-18TPS with lows of around 10TPS I understand that Purpur 1.21 is still unstable ect, can that be the only issue or is there something else that can be causing this?
spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers, and proxies.
Skullians8mo ago
411 item frames probably isn't helping I would move to ZNPCsPlus if possible. Citizens is: A: poorly optimised hence why it's the laggiest plugin on your server at 1.52% B: just bad kek Villagers taking a decent portion of your thread as well as animals (laggiest entity) spawning still lagging a decent portion of your server as well
ProGamingDk8mo ago
chunks loaded and ticked is also a issue but also just the fact a ton of optimization patches not being applied yet isnt helping neither papers nor pufferfishes when that gets a 1.21 version after paper goes stable
Skullians8mo ago
ScandifyOP8mo ago
I've now taken steps and and switched to ZNPCsPlus, followed YouHaveTroubles paper optimisation guide, switched Papers AntiXray from engine 3 to 1. Slight better performance but still getting TPS drops down to 12 sometimes (only lasts a few seconds). I have a few questions: 1) where can i best limit animals? 2) which files controls chunks loaded & ticked? I'd love some advice on what to set the values to Do you guys recommend keep trying to optimise or just ride it out untill there's a stable 1.21 version? Here's a spark report of when i caught the TPS drop down to 12:
spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers, and proxies.
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta8mo ago
Spark Profile Analysis
These are not magic values. Many of these settings have real consequences on your server's mechanics. See this guide for detailed information on the functionality of each setting.
✅ Your server isn't lagging
Your server is running fine with an average TPS of 19.
Requested by scandify#0 • Page 1 of 2
ProGamingDk8mo ago
Carl-bot8mo ago
You can follow these guides to optimize your server
Admincraft Canned Responses
ProGamingDk8mo ago
would use eternitys
Casper8mo ago
^ isnt eternitys more up to date
ProGamingDk8mo ago
also just higher quality

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