Admincraft•2mo ago

nginx egg wordpress

Hey y'all so I keep getting a database connection time out when I try to access wordpress through the nginx egg I found (yes I double checked to make sure it wasn't malicious). I've tried 1. creating a database and user manually. 2. creating a database and user via pterodactyl 3. tried using the correct info that was in the wp-config-sample (yes I tried changing and yes wordpress yelled at me so to speak) 4. tried both the main database and the database made on the actual server (via the database area on the nginx server itself made via pterodactyl). Anyone else had this problem and can provide me a fix brain is kind of fried atm.
9 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta•2mo ago
Thanks for asking your question!
Make sure to provide as much helpful information as possible such as logs/what you tried and what your exact issue is
Make sure to mark solved when issue is solved!!!
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Requested by olivia.1337#0
Tamz•2mo ago
did you make sure the ports are correct and bound right + they are open with ufw status?
LilyOP•2mo ago
no I didn't :Facepalm:
Tamz•2mo ago
LilyOP•2mo ago
still getting the same error
Tamz•2mo ago
nginx has the correct port bound to it yeah?
LilyOP•2mo ago
let me check it should yes it is
Tamz•2mo ago
:hmm: thats all id know 😭 sorry
Snow Kit
Snow Kit•2mo ago
if the database is running on the same machine, you might have to use the IP for the pterodactyl interface. It should be like on like pterodactyl_nw0 or pterodactyl0 or something (do ip a to list ip addresses for interfaces)

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