How to configure SimpleTabList

I just installed SimpleTabList and I realized I’m out of my depth on this one. First of all, I want to show the player name of the player viewing the tab with something like “Welcome PleaseSignOut” if I’m the one viewing it. For now it just says “Welcome %player name%” I also want to show, if possible, a colored emblem like a dye to show badge colors since some of my players have started a company on the server with colored badges. For example I’m purple, so I want a purple dye next to my name. I also would love to hear some ideas about things people usually list on the tablist that shows relevant info and how they did it.
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Requested by connor1bane1#0
Zaid2y ago
i recommend this over the other tab plugins
TAB - Minecraft Plugin
An all-in-one solution that works
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
it's %player_name% also install the extension on papi - /papi ecloud download Player
PleaseSignOutOP2y ago
Forgot the underscore, per the config file this is exactly what it says: Welcome %player_name%! I will try that, although I haven’t looked into papi whatsoever so this will be a brand new learning curve lol If I don’t find success with this I will try this plugin, thank you
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
its pretty simple its just tab is way more flexible you will find success with any other famous plugin but this one is just built different
PleaseSignOutOP2y ago
Well ok, I will take your advice and try it since simpletablist seems not very flexible and hard to configure

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