LimboFilter change string?
When i change limbofilter string in config {0} value is corrupted after ,
25 Replies
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Requested by inclodead#0
try doing
,&6 {0}
@Inclodeadnot really sure tbh. might be a plugin issue? like the code is open src on gitub so u can ask them
Can u show ur config?
Be sure to censor any sensitive data out before uploading
I see the pic
im kinda guessing it might be an issue with the plugin than config tbh
Yeah, that or there’s a special character in that line that his editor doesn’t see
default config value
I just checked the defaults and his line looks good
So he’s using the right placeholder
it could be the
He’s using “ around the string
I’d run the config thru a yaml validator
because of '
have u tried removing it and seeing if that work XD
There’s other defaults that use ‘
so to confirm your issue has been resolved?
In the future its better if you just Paste the config values than use images.
`` "{PRFX} &cYou entered the captcha incorrectly, you have &6{0} &cattempts left."``
"{PRFX} &cYou entered the captcha incorrectly, you have &6{0} &cattempts left."
makes it easier for ppl helping
Dm me the detailstysm for everyting guys
nvm lol i saw ping
Np! Glad he was able to help
post closed!
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Requested by inclodead#0