Make players spawn diffrently depending on their LP Groups
Hello! I am hosting an event with 3 diffrent teams, 1, 2 and 3. They each have their own Island. Now on first login I want them to spawn on their respective Island + if they have no bed, respawn on their island. Ive tried doing something with essential spawn but i couldnt find a way to get it to work, and I dont know any other way to do it
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Requested by yournotluis#0
With essentials you can do
/setspawn group
Not sure if numbers work, so may have to use alphabetical words a to z.those are just example names, I did that and it didnt work
Can you put a list in here?
Just to demonstrate it works with only luckperms & essentials/spawn
With those settings I was able to get it working as you can see above.
Make sure you have vault installed.
@𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖗𝕹𝖔𝖙𝕷𝖚𝖎𝖘 you do have the groups set in luckperms right?
has vault installed
I suggest you read the above stuff, because I show it working.
okay let me do this
wait I dont want spawn on join tho
I want regular spawnpoint
Would this also work even though its not on join?
welp didnt work
Let me think about this one.
You want players on FIRST join to go to their island.
You don't want players on their second and any consecutive spawns to spawn there?
How exactly are you planning on doing this for the first time? You would have to set their data before they even joined? for which you need to know their usernames at least. Not saying that can't be done, but it seems a bit excessive if that's what you're going for.
Typically you set groups of players AFTER they join. Therefor setting a "newbies" spawn in essentials.
This is whitelisted and they sign up with their username which eliminates the first issue
This is for a Civilizations event which is why I need them to spawn on a certain island
Best thing I can think of without going completely custom is using skript, since I don't know ANY plugin that does this. They may exist, but I don't know of any of them.
What Minecraft server version are you using?
easiest and fastest way would be to use skript for this
on first join:
tp to island
on join:
tp to spawn
1.21 w geyser
and via version
skript or custom plugin are the only option I see still. Good luck. If you need help with that let us know.
welp. ive looked at skript and got this far
buuuuuuut it doesnt work
this isnt even correct format
# Script to teleport players based on their group/permission only on their first join
on join:
if {teleported::%player%} is not set:
if player has permission "":
teleport player to {one.spawn}
send "&aWelcome Group One player!" to player
set {teleported::%player%} to true
else if player has permission "group.two":
teleport player to {two.spawn}
send "&bWelcome Group Two player!" to player
set {teleported::%player%} to true
else if player has permission "group.three":
teleport player to {three.spawn}
send "&cWelcome Group Three player!" to player
set {teleported::%player%} to true
send "&cYou do not have a spawn location set!" to player
send "&eWelcome back!" to player
command /setspawn [<text>]:
permission: skript.admin
if arg-1 is "one":
set {one.spawn} to location of player
send "&aGroup One spawn location set!" to player
else if arg-1 is "two":
set {two.spawn} to location of player
send "&bGroup Two spawn location set!" to player
else if arg-1 is "three":
set {three.spawn} to location of player
send "&cGroup Three spawn location set!" to player
send "&cInvalid group! Use one, two, or three." to player
Done and tested.
They only spawn there the first time.
I love you dude thanks
Thanks Thanks Thanks
You may need to change the group names, but that should be about it. Let us know how it goes.
Happy to help a fellow friendly minecrafter* :minecraft:
I love you dude it works perfectly, thank you so much!