18 Replies
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Requested by predsfan2#0
@predsfan2 paid or free
either really
liike not too expensive
i was also kinda making this for people to search for so they had a list of reccomendations
if you want top of the line, use polar, but itβs expensive
Vulcan is solid, never had any issues with it. (Paid)
Grim is alright (free) but requires extensive modification from what Iβve heard so it doesnβt always false flag
uNCP is also fairly good as a free AC
Spartan is also supposedly good but personally am using vulcan and cant complain, except that people sometimes get flagged when using via version and geyser or just high ping
Spartan, god no
Vulcan doesnβt even flag geyser at all xd
What the issue with spartan?
misinformation (saying they use machine learning but donβt use them for detection)
not very good flags
sketchy dev
well not sketchy but not a fan
not very well regarded here
just search Spartan in this discord
Any experience with AstroAnticheat?
oh god
their TOS sucks
very unprofessional team
Ion wanna pay monthly for a good one though and id like bedrock compatibility:waaa:
and false a lot tbf
not really a good bedrock AC afaik
I might just try spartan tomorrow as they advertise with it
as of some days ago i couldn't even play on the spartan anticheat testserver, that i got flagged for "exploits" and insta kicked
Are there actual Bedrock checks set in place?
Cause ive seen plugins claiming they check for bedrock but in the end dont
im running a crossplay server which is why Im asking, we have not had issues with bedrock players yet, but better worry now then later
So if I end up buying, I have to buy the bedrock version?
okay thanks
why not run 2 test servers? one for the actual prod version and one for test
having a unstable test version being your public demo is not a good idea imo