Allow donations to relay to Discord

Hey there, i'm looking for some guidance on how I can get CraftingStore donations to relay to discordsrv for people to see out of game, I already know I can likely get that working with DiscordSRV alerts.yml, I'm just not sure of the specifics such as the trigger, does anyone have a similar set up? Thanks!
4 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta2mo ago
Thanks for asking your question!
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Requested by applesilly#0
AppleOP2mo ago
That makes me think I should set the trigger to be DonationReceivedEvent, or how should I use the file you linked? @Kaludi ? Nevermind I made it work with discordsrv broadcast !close
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta2mo ago
Closed post!
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Requested by applesilly#0

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