coin/eco Plugin for Velo/Bungee
Searching Plugin for Server-wide coins to buy rank-upgrade. ANYONE know a plugin for it ?
9 Replies
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Requested by querlenker#0
RoyaleEconomy (paid), along with built-in mysql storage, has an addon that lets you do this.
CMI (paid), in their documentation, has specified this plugin to help with economy sharing.
A paid addon that helps with sharing EssentialsX (free) storage with the help of a mysql database can be found here
Any free solution
MySQL Economy Bridge has support for any economy system compatible with Vault.
SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft
MySQL Economy Bridge
It does not seem, that they support the newer versions. So i need to find a way to work around, ig.
it's not about the newer versions of minecraft
if i'm correct they shouldn't be touching the game itself
only hooking into vault and editing the mysql database
The reviews saying 1.18 not working, so ig 1.20 same
oh i misread