Does anyone know how I can disable /fly in specific regions and during combat?
I want to make it so /fly is disabled and toggled off while in combat and in specific regions.
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Requested by urkingkai#0
worldguard should be able to do that
i tried that already and it wont take players out of fly
How is the area accessible?
Is it a warp people just go their or?
i'm trying to make it so fly disables everytime someone is combat toggled with CombatLogX, i also want /fly to be disabled in some of the parkour maps on my server
For those areas you control how people get in so you can use worldguard to prevent them from using /fly(no more flying) and then just disable their flight. for combat I'm not entirely sure.
Do you have any experience making plugins?
unfortunately no i've only been doing fixes here and there, i tried a bunch of plugins and they were all outdated sadly
wait so whats the in game command to stop players from flying just so i can test it in game rn
that depends on how you are giving them the ability to fly
if its /fly use /fly
the fly perk is from essentialsX and I'm using luckperms to reward it to donators
then its /fly
and you can use sudo
its a command from essentialsX to force any player to run the command specified after sudo
ahhh ok noted ty
You can configure CombatLogX to automatically run commands which would allow you to forcibly stop their flight.
thank you so much for the help i'll test it rn
it also has a prebuilt expansion that allows you to automatically prevent flight
i'll double check everything rn because i think i have that expansion installed already and comeback with updates
For reference if anyone need help in the future to disable flight in a region:
this plugin has the flags for world guard to disable fly in specific regions.
commands for disabling flight that i used:
/rg flag -w "world" -h 7 pvp command-on-entry fly disable
/rg flag -w "world" -h 7 (regionname) console-command-on-entry fly disable
/rg flag -w "world" (region) blocked-cmds fly
SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft
WorldGuard Extra Flags
if you need to copy paste these settings:
/rg setparent (regionname) (parentregionname)
i sitll cant figure this out
i tried to write it according to the formate and it won;t work
i even tried rewriting it to a diff example and it didnt work
i think it would be just fly not fly disabled
or try and use their default config expansion
couldnt have allow players without the perm fly in the first place
and can you show me how to with the default config cause i'm struggling
sorry this has taken so long. Let me get that info and help you out
@YōKai You go into your plugins folder and go to CombatLogX/expansions/CheatPrevention/flight.yml
that has the settings for the flight