Do you let your players know when you ban a griefer or who stole from them?

Running a vanilla server with no proactive grief protection, only reactive such as coreprotect, we get the odd player stealing items or destroying some blocks to get inside someone’s base. I’m curious to know how other admins handle player complaints and conflict between players. When investigating the reports, handing out warnings or banning the offenders, do you guys let the other players know who broke the rules and if/how you punished them?
6 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta7mo ago
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sugryoon7mo ago
i run a geopol server, so we have some rules around theft. generally we will tell people when it breaks rules, because we will put it in our public admin log anyways. but if it's someone from their team, we dont tell them because in 99 percent of the cases it doesnt break any rules
Goldy7mo ago
I ban them, rollback them entirely and let everyone know. My players love that 💀💀
AilgamOP7mo ago
Lol I bet they do, what if you temp ban someone? Or if you just warn them? Do you tell others?
sugryoon7mo ago
yeah people love it when griefers are put on blast lol
Goldy7mo ago
temp ban too but not warn as warning are generally for little things

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