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Requested by notthekid101#0
what features are u missing
What you mean
Ur asking for a staff plug-in
Why? What are u lookin for? What do u not have currently that u want
I went a staff plugin helps with me giving commands in luckperms
Like what?
A STAFF plugin for staff on my server so I can have them mute people etc is is not that hard or simple
litebans is the best paid one
libertybans is a good free option
Just use essentials
We can’t read ur mind bro… no need to get so heated
Essentials has mute, kick, tempban, ban, ban-ip, and a whole bunch of other stuff
Okay they have to type this /essential:mute is there a easier way like /mute or something
yes they just type /mute
Sorry just getting frustrated with my server already
If you already have essentials just have them /mute
It won’t work how can I make it work
Does it work for you
I don’t know
Can you try and see
Okay is there a way to turn off chat and go to offline mode for only staff ???
idk what ur asking
Like only staff can join
Use a whitelist
And add ur staff to the whitelist
Not player’s
What are you asking then?
I kinda don’t went to take them off the white list
Oh just make a new whitelist
Or even better download the maintenance plugin
And add ur staff to it
btw, in a perfet world, you are never using any command ever with /plugin:command
bukkit only added this when there are command conflicts.
if your staff has access to /essentials:mute, they have to have access to /mute. its how it works (unless u have multiple /mute commands from different plugins)
So I need staffessentials to make /mute work???
u dont need anything
if u have essentials
and u have luckperms
give ur staff the permission to use the mute command and it will work
Downloads - EssentialsX
The essential plugin for Spigot servers.
Some plug-in there’s a staff lockdown mode where only staff can join us staffessentials help with that
Maintenance | Hangar
The most customizable maintenance plugin for your Minecraft server you can find.
use this
dont use staff essentials
idk wat that is
staff essentials hasnt been updated since 2015
dont use that
LuckPerms - A permissions plugin for Minecraft servers.
LuckPerms is a permissions plugin for Minecraft servers. It allows server admins to control what features players can use by creating groups and assigning permissions.
only 3 plugins u need
Yeah got two already
Is there a staff chat plugin
Search Plugins
Search and browse thousands of Minecraft Plugins on Modrinth with instant, accurate search results. Our filters help you quickly find the best Minecraft Plugins.
here you go
use the search feature
i'd also recommend using google and add "spigot" to the search since not every spigot plugin has moved over yet, and spigots search feature sucks
any other typical plugin for staff?
i have supervanish plugin
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