Game crash - Exception in server tick loop

Game crashes upon loading a world, even making a fresh one. Just added some new mods and updated existing ones, but this was not the sort of issue I was expecting from doing that. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this? I've looked around the internet and not found any answers that fit my situation. Mods: 3d-Skin-Layers Additional Armoury AppleSkin Architectury Better Combat Better Combat Extension Botarium CPM SVC Compat Cassiecraft Reborn Cloth Config v11 Clumps Combat+ Core CraftedCore Create Create Big Cannons Create Contraption Terminals Create Crafts & Additions Create Deco Create Deco Additions Create Enchantment Industry Create Jetpack Create Railways Navigator Create Slice & Dice Create Track Map Create: Armor Trims Create: Bells & Whistles Create: Big Contraptions Create: Copycats+ Create: Dynamic Light Create: Framed Create: High Pressure Create: Interiors Create: Jetpack Curios Create: New Age Create: Numismatics Create: Origins Create: Simple Ore Doubling Create: Steam 'n' Rails Create: Structures Create: Trading Floor Create: Ultimate Factory CreativeCore Crystal-Clear Customizable Player Models EntityCulling Epic Knights Mod Epic Knights: Addon Extended Cogwheels FNaF's: Build & Decor (Java Edition) - Snapshot Fabric API Fabric Language Kotlin Farmer's Delight Feline Revamped FerriteCore Forge Config API Port Framework Fzzy Config Hephaestus HephaestusExpansion ImmediatelyFast Immersive Armors Indium IngotCraft Iris Jade Just Enough Items Krypton LambDynamicLights Lavender LazyDFU Lexiconfig Lithium Lock & Block Lootr Macaw's Furniture Memory Leak Fix Mod Menu ModernFix More Chat History MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod: Refurbished Origins Origins: Classes Origins: Envisioner Origins: Kitsune Origins: Vampire Pehkui Player Animator Radiant Gear Remove Reloading Screen Server Pinger Fixer Shulker Box Tooltip Simple Voice Chat Simple Voice Chat Enhanced Groups SimpleRadio Sodium Sophisticated Backpacks Sophisticated Core Sophisticated Storage Sound Physics Remastered Timeless & Classics Guns: Zero Tinkerer's Statures Tom's Simple Storage Mod Torches 'n' Trinkets Trinkets Voice Chat Interaction Walkers WaterFrames WaterMedia Wildfire's Female Gender Mod Wiretap Xaero's Minimap Xaero's World Map YetAnotherConfigLib oωo
alright, was able to narrow it down to Create Track Map, which is a server-side mod. makes sense. Thanks a bunch for the help!
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10 Replies
Tamz4w ago
if those mods are on the server as them, most of them are client only
CassieOP4w ago
this crash is in singleplayer too though
Tamz4w ago
CassieOP4w ago
i'm trying to start a singleplayer world to test it before pushing it to my server
Tamz4w ago
at knot//io.ktor.server.cio.CIOApplicationEngine.<init>(CIOApplicationEngine.kt:27) at knot//io.ktor.server.cio.CIO.create(CIO.kt:16) at knot//io.ktor.server.cio.CIO.create(CIO.kt:12) its to-do with one of ur create addons
CassieOP4w ago
ah i see. that's fun
Tamz4w ago
do the binary method remove half if crash remove half
CassieOP4w ago
i didn't notice that before, thanks. i'll give it a shot
Tamz4w ago
Cassie4w ago
alright, was able to narrow it down to Create Track Map, which is a server-side mod. makes sense. Thanks a bunch for the help!

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