01-12 07:08:28 > node --experimental-specifier-resolution=node --loader ts-node/esm src/index.ts
01-12 07:08:29 (node:44) ExperimentalWarning: `--experimental-loader` may be removed in the future; instead use `register()`:
01-12 07:08:29 --import 'data:text/javascript,import { register } from "node:module"; import { pathToFileURL } from "node:url"; register("ts-node/esm", pathToFileURL("./"));'
01-12 07:08:29 (Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
01-12 07:08:29 (node:44) [DEP0180] DeprecationWarning: fs.Stats constructor is deprecated.
01-12 07:08:29 (Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
01-12 07:08:32
01-12 07:08:32 node:internal/modules/run_main:122
01-12 07:08:32 triggerUncaughtException(
01-12 07:08:32 ^
01-12 07:08:32 [Object: null prototype] {
01-12 07:08:32 [Symbol(nodejs.util.inspect.custom)]: [Function: [nodejs.util.inspect.custom]]
01-12 07:08:32 }
01-12 07:08:32
01-12 07:08:32 Node.js v23.1.0
01-12 07:08:32 [PebbleHost Daemon]: Server marked as offline
01-12 07:08:33 [PebbleHost Daemon]: ---------- Detected server process in a crashed state! ----------
01-12 07:08:33 [PebbleHost Daemon]: Exit code: 0
01-12 07:08:33 [PebbleHost Daemon]: Out of memory: false
01-12 07:08:33 [PebbleHost Daemon]: Aborting automatic restart, last crash occurred less than 600 seconds ago.