Home geyser server not allowing external consoles
Ive got a server thats configured to the point that local consoles and pcs can join. External consoles cannot join. Ive installed WSL2 and started installing pterodactyl, but im a bit over my head. Would something like AMP be able to solve my port issue with external consoles?
They see the server with mcxboxbroadcast and can click it but get an error about the world not loading.
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Requested by .keverino#0
is the server reachable outside of your network through java?
do you have Floodgate installed (i presume so since it works locally)?
I can connect and play locally on pc and ps5, i can connect and play on iphone while not local(same place as the xbox), xbox cannot connect while at other home.
I have geyserconnect, geyser, viaversion and floodgate
i see, so its just the external xbox that cant connect?
Its external consoles, I have 2 xboxs and a ps5 for family that cant connect.
oh interesting
I dont mind spending money on something like AMP if itll let me host this for my people, but right now im at the end of my string for knowing what to do lol
honestly i dont think AMP would help haha
in the end they're the same jar files, just managed differently
im trying to think of what could possibly be the cause, since ive never tried mcxboxbroadcast before
does the console DNS trick not work anymore (in general) by the way?
Gotcha, people are saying the ports are the issue and 19132 is closed even with port forwarding so im trying to resolve that and maybe thats the issue? I dont know why it would even show outside if the port is closed tho.
I havent heard of a dns trick?
https://wiki.geysermc.org/geyser/using-geyser-with-consoles/ i think this covers what that is, but ive no idea if it works anymore
anyways yeah i dont know if its port forwarding since it works on your iphone at the same location as those consoles no? but what is your config for that anyway?
GeyserMC Wiki: Using Geyser with Consoles
This is the wiki for all of GeyserMC's projects.
I have used the app to connect to a "local" server and all that, it shows up and is clickable but says the world isnt joinable after trying.
config for port forwarding?
yeah what did you port forward exactly?
my ip to 19132 udp/tcp
same for 25565 and 85 and those 2 are open
and geyser is binded to 19132 for sure?
everything is default so i believe so
oh wait i forgot to ask
https://onlinemo.de/query do they show up here
Server Status
Query Java or Bedrock Servers
that shouldve been the first thing tbh lol
it shows up with port 25565 and no port, port 19132 doesnt show
bedrock enabled and disabled both work the same
hmm okay try connecting using 25565 on bedrock
this is definitely weird
using bedrocktogether i cannot connect using 25565, as far as i know geyser only allows 19132 if its set to that
no chance theres literally a fool proof step by step you could link me is there?
man I wish, I honestly haven't touched geyser myself in a while
I edited windows firewall settings and joined with my local ps5 using a hotspot using bedrock together and it seems to have worked.