Minecraft server in container

Hello everyone, as a learning project, I'm thinking of building a workflow so that minecraft servers are hosted in a container instead of the traditional approaches. Has anyone here tried to do so? My plan is to setup an IaC code to deploy and run the server in a container, and then once the server is shutdown, saving the working directory so I can build a new image off of this "snapshot" of the server. Does this sound like a botched plan? What would you change? Thanks in advance for your attention!
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Requested by _martin#0
ProGamingDk2y ago
docker is already recommended to be used and has a good image if thats what u mean
_martinOP2y ago
I'm more concerned about the solution I thought of for the storage persistence/what to do when I shutdown the container
ProGamingDk2y ago
is there a reason u wouldnt just use docker? and a volume folder
alex2y ago
You could always use volumes
PhonicUK2y ago
Or a bound directory

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