Whitelist Plugins?...

Anyone know of any decent whitelist plugins, that support the floodgate whitelist command("/fwhitelist add {.Xlade9091}" as example)? Thinking that using a plugin might be better than the default file method, but didn't see anything in the resources forum... floodgate seems to support the uuid system, so there shouldn't be any issue with throwing the bedrock whitelist entries in with the Java whitelist entries
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11 Replies
Did you look in modrinth/hangar ?
Xlade, The Creator!
Was thinking it was better to ask here first, since a lot of people here know their stuff, more than I know anything that they know, lol I can indeed look through modrinth, though
Yh, I asked because I looked on modrinth and found some promising options
Xlade, The Creator!
alright, sorry, lolz My bad
Np Do you need it on the backend or proxy?
This one was the first result that works using playernames but is for backends: https://modrinth.com/plugin/whitelist-ultra
Whitelist ultra - Minecraft Plugin
Whitelist works with nicknames without uuid and case sensitive.
Xlade, The Creator!
Backends, but could also use it for the proxy if you would suggest to Referring to in general a whitelist plugin
Xlade, The Creator!
Yeah sorry, apparently was doing an XY problem thing, unintentionally.... Wasn't trying to fix X but replace X with Y, but apparently I still need to try to fix X instead of finding a Y to replace it with... Sorry.
Cubicake2w ago
All good Are you going to… answer the question?
Xlade, The Creator!

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