Where to host a download
I have a 90GB map I want to upload so everyone can download it, what’s the best service that can do this freely?
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Requested by ciel0#0
i dont think any service will host and distribute a 90 gig file for free
zip it in parts
also if i were you i would trim the world first (if possible, if you are on a map this may not work too well)
just so not everyone has to download 90 gigs
the more you can cut down at that scale the better
GitHub - Querz/mcaselector: A tool to select chunks from Minecraft ...
A tool to select chunks from Minecraft worlds for deletion or export. - GitHub - Querz/mcaselector: A tool to select chunks from Minecraft worlds for deletion or export.
as for hosting google drive $2 a month can get you 100 gigs
though iirc google drive is reaaaaaly slow for download upload
U can use 1fichier
128gigs for 1$ a month at 1blu.de
4 Euro for hetzner storage share and 4 Euro for ultra. Cc both are 1 tb tho so not really needed
Thanks a lot, will do this