SMP World and End

H there, I am planning on building an SMP-focused server and I am wondering what would be the best for it, in your opinion. As for the world, or the whole server in general, do you think it would be nice to restart it every few months? I ran a server with not a big player base (max 20?) and they all eventually got bored due to the lack of things to do after "beating" the game. Along with that I might add some sort of overhaul to the game but that comes at the cost of throwing away the vanilla experience. As for the end, early players tend to just empty the whole end of elytras, or at least that's what happened to me, even after resetting the end they just do it again and create an elytras monopoly. Would you rather just keep resetting it or make an alternative way to obtain elytras or enter the end (maybe taking advantage of the overhaul?).
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CtrlAltDelMe2y ago
You can try to do a modded SMP You'll have fun assured for months
ChechuOP2y ago
Yeah that's an option, altough I prefer to add plugins instead of mods, mostly because of the ease for users and because I can do them myself if needed
luketeam52y ago
Hello, I suffer from the same issue. I tried 2 full restarts but that just killed the playerbase as a lot of people played just for a few hours every week (some did not even have full bases towards the end) and currently I am just erasing empty chunks (<3 minutes inhabited time) using MCASelector and I do the same for the end, where I wipe the entire end dimension expect the main island + any farms (<10 minutes inhabited time and I still need to manually destroy some cities). The issue with the elytra monopoly luckily doesn't exist for me as my server doesn't have any economy (or protection) plugin and relies only on trust (eg. put 1 diamond in the chest and take 1 shulker box) and people are pretty generous thanks to that. There are even a few free elytras on spawn in the donate chest. But yeah, about the issue with people getting bored, not much to do about it, I have a few players that are making mega-projects (some crazy person is making an sci-craft sized gold farm) and the rest just return from time to time.
ChechuOP2y ago
I see... That's another thing, do you allow farms? Because they are highly inefficient in servers arent they?
ProGamingDk2y ago
depends on hardware tbh and player amount
luketeam52y ago
I do, my server is based around the "good old Minecraft but in 1.20" so I try to avoid restricting players at all. I have only 2 farm related rules: 1. Do not lag the server on purpose - if your farm lags the server then run it when you are alone on the server or overnight 2. Do not duplicate stuff (expect TNT duplicators) There were I think only 2 farm I eved had issues with and 1 was solved by rebuilding it (I helped the player) and the second by turning it off when people joined. Luckily I never had to delete a farm as it's terrible for the player (I remember playing on one "survival" (looking back it was more of a P2W server) where I spent 30 hours building a farm just to turn it on when I was the only one playing and admins removed it).
ChechuOP2y ago
Alright will take that in mind thanks ^^ Don't want to restrict them either
Torrent2y ago
Hey OP I have some solutions you might find helpful. 1) my friend who is a plugin dev made a plugin specifically for my server called Flight Control that allows you to control how many elytras can obtain per week. You can also run a command to check how many elytras you can still obtain and the time period limit. It only applies to the specific metadata of the item frames in the end so it is safe to trade elytras and such. Would you like the github link? He made it open source and said I could share it. 2) I would recommend banning elytra shops as they quickly become a monopoly. It’s better to have a server wide auction. 3) I do as other players have mentioned reset the outer islands with mcaselector like once a month. 4) I recommend players go in the negative x direction to find their first elytra then positive x to find others. Players who have made it this far in the game seem to be committed enough to follow this rule lol. 5) I don’t recommend resetting the world every couple months. Like at all. This will kill any commitment people have to the server. People will come and go because not everyone is willing to commit to a server, just keep advertising.
ChechuOP2y ago
I see, thank you! Yes please, I will take a look
Torrent2y ago
K hang on I need to log in to my other discord account which I forgot my password for and need the QR code off my computer lol. Can’t find it online but he sent me it on discord
PleaseSignOut2y ago
GitHub - nouish/flightcontrol: Plugin to control the rate at which ...
Plugin to control the rate at which players can obtain new elytra. - GitHub - nouish/flightcontrol: Plugin to control the rate at which players can obtain new elytra.
PleaseSignOut2y ago
I have tested this on my server, and it works perfectly. If there are any issues please let me know so I can ask him to fix it
ChechuOP2y ago
Looks great thank you! I'm closing this thread since you seem to share a similar opinion overall, thank you so much everyone. If anyone's opinion differs feel free to tell me (not sure if you can keep writing here after I close it so you can ping me or smth)

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