Conditional Events Check if item is in inventory?

using CE, on the execution of a player_command event, can you have a condition that checks the user inventory or hand contain an item? I can only see checking armor slots on the documentation. ty
4 Replies
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ProGamingDk2y ago
use checkitem placeholder
ProGamingDk2y ago
GitHub - PlaceholderAPI/CheckItem-Expansion: This expansion allows ...
This expansion allows checking if items are in the inventory of the target player - GitHub - PlaceholderAPI/CheckItem-Expansion: This expansion allows checking if items are in the inventory of the ...
pixel_lifeOP2y ago
so i need to use this in a condition first, before the action. I guess i can just use the placehodlers from checkitem in the condition as well which I will try, ty @ProGamingDK
- '%checkitem_mat:diamond,nameequals:Custom item name% == true'
- '%checkitem_mat:diamond,nameequals:Custom item name% == true'
do you know how to use it its giving me error on /ce verify on this line this is a "condition"

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