how to migrate from paper to vanilla on docker minecraft server ubuntu linux
I've had lots of questions lately, and I'm trying to change my minecraft server version to 1.21, and am trying to migrate from paper to vanilla. I'm on this step and can't copy DIM-1 to the /world file

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Requested by josiewosie99#0
I can't copyWhy?
sorry, for the lack of details, but when I run the cp command, it gives me this
cp: cannot stat '/world_nether/DIM-1': No such file or directory
Does that folder/file exist?
ofc it exists, I literally pathed from home to that file, and it would give me that error message
Send a screenshot of what you're looking at
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root@joseph-GL753VE:/home/joseph# cd mc-docker
root@joseph-GL753VE:/home/joseph/mc-docker# cd mcserver
root@joseph-GL753VE:/home/joseph/mc-docker/mcserver# ls
banned-ips.json commands.yml libraries plugins version_history.json world_nether
banned-players.json config logs versions world_the_end
bukkit.yml eula.txt ops.json spigot.yml whitelist.json
cache help.yml permissions.yml usercache.json world
root@joseph-GL753VE:/home/joseph/mc-docker/mcserver# cp -r /world_nether/DIM-1 /world
cp: cannot stat '/world_nether/DIM-1': No such file or directory
root@joseph-GL753VE:/home/joseph/mc-docker/mcserver# cd world_nether
root@joseph-GL753VE:/home/joseph/mc-docker/mcserver/world_nether# ls
DIM-1 level.dat level.dat_old paper-world.yml session.lock uid.dat
root@joseph-GL753VE:/home/joseph/mc-docker/mcserver/world_nether# cp /DIM-1 /world
cp: cannot stat '/DIM-1': No such file or directory
root@joseph-GL753VE:/home/joseph/mc-docker/mcserver/world_nether# cp /mc-docker/mcserver/world_nether/DIM-1/ /mc-docker/mcserver/world/
cp: cannot stat '/mc-docker/mcserver/world_nether/DIM-1/': No such file or directory
root@joseph-GL753VE:/home/joseph/mc-docker/mcserver/world_nether# cp /home/joseph/mc-docker/mcserver/world_nether/DIM-1/ /home/joseph/mc-docker/mcserver/world
cp: -r not specified; omitting directory '/home/joseph/mc-docker/mcserver/world_nether/DIM-1/'
root@joseph-GL753VE:/home/joseph/mc-docker/mcserver/world_nether# cp -recursive /home/joseph/mc-docker/mcserver/world_ne
ther/DIM-1/ /home/joseph/mc-docker/mcserver/world
output the contents of
cd into world_nether
root@joseph-GL753VE:/home/joseph/mc-docker/mcserver/world_nether# ls
DIM-1 level.dat level.dat_old paper-world.yml session.lock uid.dat
try do
cp -r /world_nether/DIM-1/ /world/
I get this error message
cp: cannot stat '/world_nether/DIM-1/': No such file or directory
you are executing it from the root server dir and not inside the world_nether dir right?
oh, so I have to be in the mcserver directory, right?
cp: cannot stat '/world_nether/DIM-1/': No such file or directory
same thing
@Skullians you figured anything out?Remove the / on world_nether and world and it should work.
cp -r world_nether/DIM-1/ world/
without / its relative to your current folder with / it starts at /
ty, this worked
and I thought I knew Linux
:OMEGALUL: tab moment
do you guys know how to download the server jar into my minecraft server?
I downloaded it on my server
You can docker cp files into the container, or just redownload it inside the container using wget
how do I copy files into the container?
docker cp containername:/path/to/
Replacing file name with your value, containername with the id or name of the container
And /path/to/ with where inside the container you want the file
root@joseph-GL753VE:/home/joseph# ls
Desktop Documents Downloads duckdns-docker mc-docker minecraft Music Pictures Public snap Templates Videos
root@joseph-GL753VE:/home/joseph# cd mc-docker
root@joseph-GL753VE:/home/joseph/mc-docker# cd mcserver
root@joseph-GL753VE:/home/joseph/mc-docker/mcserver# ls
banned-ips.json cache eula.txt logs plugins usercache.json whitelist.json
banned-players.json commands.yml help.yml ops.json version_history.json world
bukkit.yml config libraries permissions.yml spigot.yml versions
root@joseph-GL753VE:/home/joseph/mc-docker/mcserver# cd configs
bash: cd: configs: No such file or directory
root@joseph-GL753VE:/home/joseph/mc-docker/mcserver# cp -r Downloads/server.jar mcserver/versions/
cp: cannot stat 'Downloads/server.jar': No such file or directory
root@joseph-GL753VE:/home/joseph/mc-docker/mcserver# cd/home/joseph
bash: cd/home/joseph: No such file or directory
root@joseph-GL753VE:/home/joseph/mc-docker/mcserver# docker cp server.jar mc-docker:/mcserver/versions/
lstat /home/joseph/mc-docker/mcserver/server.jar: no such file or directory
here's what I'm seeing
it gives me this error
lstat /home/joseph/mc-docker/mcserver/server.jar: no such file or directory
That’s for absolute file paths fyi
I.e it’s like selecting items straight from the c drive directory
Nvm didn’t read the whole thing, progaming explained it already
Why would you do that
Just wait for paper 1.21
And use via[whatever]
is it even out?
New viaversion build has not been released
at least as of an hour ago when i checked
For 1.20.6 you can get viaversions and via backwards so all clients can connect
Again, the new build of via is not out
ViaVersion - Versions
Download and browse 395 ViaVersion versions. 158.3k total downloads. Last updated Jun 14, 2024.
Well I stand corrected, because I only get it from hangar where the official non-alpha builds are updated
Didn’t think to check modrinth