Texture packs for java server with bedrock clients?
Running a 1.21.3 paper server with spigot and geyser so players can join from consoles as well as java clients. Anything I can do to make the world prettier for the bedrock players? My kids are hella jealous of my shaders... 😄
5 Replies
Geyser supports bedrock texturepacks, would recommend you switch to paper for overall stability, fixes etc, but download a bedrock texturepack and throw it in the texture pack folder in the geyser plugins foldee
I'm using paper for my server? But thanks, I'll check out the texturepack support!
Misread and only saw the "with spigot" sorry
Do you already have a texture pack or you’re looking for one? If you already have one, there are some websites in development that will convert Java texture packs to geyser packs. If you aren’t using a texture pack, you could take a look through builtbybit to see texture packs that come with geyser packs. There are also people who can convert Java textures to geyser packs for commission which we have done a few times
Well... I've been down that rabbit hole most of the day LOL I am trying out one I found - Dokucraft Dwarven. Some it looks like have both java and bedrock versions so i was starting with those
Oh man... so it works, and it actually looks kinda rad, but I have a plugin that adds other types of weapons (valhallaMMO) and those won't work with the texture pack I bet
I do absolutely hate the muddy look of the water though... wow