Minecraft 1.12.2 Multithread for server?
Hello! I was wondering if there was a way to make 1.12.2 minecraft multithread and use all the cores in a CPU? Maybe a mod or something? I have 8 cores and 12 threads, but minecraft usually only uses 1 core for some reason. Is there a way to force the server to use all the resources it's given to render chunks, entities, particles, etc?
23 Replies
not possible
Not even make a mod to do so?
not too sure but probably not
it’s a very old mc version
How do people get their server so smooth then? Like even with 20-30 players? My server is smooth too, but i'm just genuinely curious
what do they run
RLCraft Forge 1.12.2
With SpongeForger
yeah good luck mate
it’s a bitch to run
Lol currently running Dregora
even worse
Welcome to my world
Would you happen to know any developers who could make such a mod?
Multithreaded minecraft?
arcanestudios discord might
multithreaded wouldn’t help you
at all
if the modpack is hard to run it’s gonna be harder on a server
Alrighty, I appreciate your information! :D
np even tho i didn’t give much haha
idk how this works xD
oh right
bot is dead
Mods have to compatible with multithreading if that is even a thing
Same case as folia
Where plugins have to be designed for folia support to work properly
for 1.12.2 Forge RLcraft?
No im just saying mods have to be designed with multithreading in mind if you want it to work under a non-existent multithreading framework
@Future fans of games have solved multithreading issues even when the devs could not. Such as factorio. If it could be done someone already would have. Rlcraft is far from new and remains very popular while still being very prone to lag. It hasn't improved much despite everyone who has attempted it.
Dregora servers..... Good luck. That thing is a mess. Even with anti strip mining and other adjustments to reduce some typical past rlcraft lag sources. Far more needs and likely could be done before it would even be worth the effort of multithreading. I'm not sure there is a busy public dregora server that doesn't lag at least a little quite frequently and occasionally becomes unplayable for a while.
I'd just pick another mod pack if you don't have the resources instead of trying to force dregora to run better. The owner of the server I'm playing on has practically unlimited money to throw at a server and after an insane amount of adjusting it he's started calling the dregora server various insults every time he announces another attempted change. 🤣
I'd just pick another mod pack if you don't have the resources instead of trying to force dregora to run better. The owner of the server I'm playing on has practically unlimited money to throw at a server and after an insane amount of adjusting it he's started calling the dregora server various insults every time he announces another attempted change. 🤣
Minecraft in itself is basically completely single threaded, except for some stuff in newer versions like chunk generation. Rewriting it to be multithreaded would be a ton of work
making sure everything syncs up is also a massive pain