How to drop sand from the sky?
I used FAWE
//replace air 75%air,25%sand
but the blocks float so I use //fall
and they teleport to the ground.
How can I spawn in a random number of sand that will have gravity and fall normally?10 Replies
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Requested by pixel_life#5664
Not using FAWE.
! Worldedit
WorldEdit vs AWE vs FAWE
Each of them has their pros and cons, pick your poison:
+ stable
+ sees features first
+ awesome community support over at EngineHub
- slowest
AWE (AsyncWorldEdit)
+ faster than WE
+ less buggy than FAWE
- requires WE to be installed
- according to a WE developer (Me4502/Maddy), it violates their license
- Pretty much free.
FAWE (FastAsyncWorldEdit)
+ fastest
+ installls & updates its own WorldEdit instance to prevent incompatibilites
- said to be the buggiest, even corrupting worlds sometimes
Admincraft Canned Responses
so i installed fawe becasue everyone here said to use it and awe is trash
should i get rid of it
and get awe
Worldedit + worldedit tick spreader should be better than awe
regular world edit freezes the server on large edits
i'll be honest i want something more recognized and trusted than 300 downloads
does awe support block gravity
the simplest solution is to spawn the sand, then update them by setting a full layer of blocks (glass if light is important) above or below the sand depending on the timing you want and then removing it
but that will be a lot of falling entities so I hope your server is pretty beefy