Are paid plugin ecosystems worth it?

Talking about stuff like this right here: They have a bunch of plugins which all work seamlessly together...
15 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta6mo ago
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Requested by yournotluis#0
Zeda6mo ago
Doesn't seem to be worth it for 15€
DemGlizzys16mo ago
For an economy I just used EssentialsX and vault. Both free and get the job done.
Zeda6mo ago
Also it doesn't allow refunds, which there is no reason for since if someone wants to refund something they will just do a chargeback and if they use paypal, chargebacks cost like 20$ to the seller
Snow Kit
Snow Kit6mo ago
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Eh im trying to go away from essential but I own cmi
Snow Kit
Snow Kit6mo ago
it might've been fixed like a week ago, but who knows
Snow Kit
Snow Kit6mo ago
if you're using cmi, they have economy built in too
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Yup, mainly just asking if buying into an ecosystem of plugins is worth it
Snow Kit
Snow Kit6mo ago
probably not. Anything that works with vault can extend the functionality of the economy oh, you said ecosystem
Snow Kit
Snow Kit6mo ago
I mean, he seemed to have issues writing an economy plugin properly so I'd say probably not worth it
Hm true There is also mythical and advanced plugins ecosystem... Any knowledge about those?
Snow Kit
Snow Kit6mo ago
I mean, mythic is mainly for the whole like custom mob/custom item part of stuff
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta6mo ago
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Requested by yournotluis#0

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