Searching vps/kvm Server host in EU (Germany)
Hey, im currently looking for a new host in germany to host multiple minecraft servers/discord bots/pterodactyl and other small side projects i have with the time where i want to focus more on single core performance. are there any recommendations? my budget is 15-20€ and currently on my list there is Datalix & HT-Hosting which i found to be pretty cheap & good. Now since i never used them i dont know if those are the correct choices, any tips are appreciated 😄
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Requested by tizooo#0
I mean, if you're just doing a VPS and not worried about being DDoS'd, hetzner cloud is pretty fairly priced (first screenshot is arm, 2nd screenshot is amd epyc)
Truly thrifty cloud hosting - Hetzner Online GmbH
Cloud servers starting at € 3.79. A little money gets you lots of cloud. Our flexible billing model and clever interface make it easy to use our cloud servers for all your IT needs.
(although, I have heard hetzner cloud has better ddos protection than hetzner dedis, but I don't have first hand experience of being ddos'd on hetzner cloud)
Would need a good antiddos
-1 centralhosting dm advertises and pretty sure banned from here
Also had their discord webhook in their public html code lmao
They literally just sell hetzner
Also no vps
Low budget you're only really gonna get oversold hosts and hosts with not great uptime/ddos protection/network quality
what host would you suggest if there is no budget limit?
ht hosting looks to just have gotten nuked
hacker attack or smth