Curseforge API Variable for Docker Compose - ATM8
Tryingto deploy a server via docker compose, specifically using this ATM8 template
When I raw copy/paste my API key from Curse Forge into the yaml file it dosn't like it.
if I try creating the .env file, and adding the line CF_API_KEY="apikeyhere" it still won't grant access.
If I create a txt file with the api key in it, and I use docker secret on the text file, then use the secret's ID in the .env instead, this does not work either.
All errors from docker result in:
[mc-image-helper] 16:37:04.253 ERROR : Invalid parameter provided for 'install-curseforge' command: Access to is forbidden. Make sure to set CF_API_KEY to a valid API key from
docker-minecraft-server/examples/atm8/docker-compose.yml at master ...
Docker image that provides a Minecraft Server that will automatically download selected version at startup - itzg/docker-minecraft-server
CurseForge for Studios
CurseForge for Studios
5 Replies
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Requested by .kexodus#0
have u tried doing export CF_API_KEY="API key here"
if u can access terminal*
ok, I've done that. Would I then run export again and copy the results of CF_API_KEY again? Or just run docker compose again?
export CF_API_KEY="API key here"
u did this right
try and run docker compose after thengotcha, yeah just did and still getting "Invalid parameter provided for 'install-curseforge' command: Access to is forbidden"
hmmm isn't a valid URL, but just the api link itself is, not sure if that's related
Current workaround I've done at the moment is modifying the yml template to instead just direct downloadthe server files that I re-uploaded to mediafire and adjusting/commenting out variables within the yml file
This was user error on my end.
With curseforge API keys that have $ characters in them. Be sure to have every $ char with an additional escape character, $.
An IP key that is
needs to look like