Respawn Issues
Running 1.20.1 on paper, with essentials (also shared full plugin list) When players disconnect (not joining for the first time) they are automatically brought back to server spawn instead of where they last were, and also when someone dies they teleport back to spawn instead of their home/bed but according to my config everything seems right? when someone uses /suicide itll teleport them back to their home/bed but as soon as they move it teleports them back to spawn

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Requested by wickedmercury#0
Check Multiverse overwrites
oooo!! will do! thank you
would changing
firstspawnoverride: 'true'
to false be the right change?
in multiverse core configThat's for first spawn, there should be one about forcing a players to spawn in world spawn or something of that sort. I cannot recall the name on top of my head.
i think i foudn the issue
theres a random plugin i dont recognize downloaded called AlwaysSpawn
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Requested by wickedmercury#0