•Created by mercury on 7/9/2023 in #questions
Transferring from SQLite to MySQL
I've recently started admining for a server who i transferred from Apex hosting to being self hosted. the original owner never set up a database through Apex so im going through all the plugins we have and trying to set up my database. is there a way to convert the CoreProtect database form sqlite to MySQL?
12 replies
•Created by mercury on 7/7/2023 in #questions
Nether Portals Not Connected?
nether portals are not brining you back through the portal you entered or whatever portal would be linked they are spawning new portals on world boarder
17 replies
•Created by mercury on 7/7/2023 in #questions
Creepers don't grief the world
when creepers explode they do no world damage even outside of claims, my region flags are on allow and game rule is set to allow mob damage
12 replies