Sorry for the newbie question!
Are crash reports still a thing or are they just logs? I am trying to troubleshoot why my server is crashing and i do not see any crash-report folder. There is a log folder but the logs do not have much info. When i google stuff, most sites suggest going to a crash report, which i cant find. Thank you.
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they are
if its crashing randomly without any crash report
ur probably dealing with a OOM
hrm i am using the latest version of paper, and it isnt making a crash-report folde rthat i can see
1.20.1 paper
Out of Memory Crash
oh like i pay 5$ for my server and maybne i need a better one ? lol
i think its 5$ s month
how many players? and how much ram
i get 2 GB of ram i think
just a few like 5-6
at a time
but i think its certain plugins
but i dunno
theres no crash-report folder which is weird, but i think maybe its just called logs i guess
6 people on 2 gb ram on 1.20.1
yeah im not surprised its crashing with oom.
OOM's dont generate a crash report.
thats why u havent seen it
thank you!
shoot, with 5-6 people at a time, they said this amountof ram was ok for 8 people
but i guess i need more
ur host is not right.
ahh ok well i thank you for taking the time to answer
how much ram do you think i need
well , i think you got me on the rigfht track. thanks so much
4-6 would be good
4 is probably just fine
how do i mark this solved?
thanks again