TAB Plugin placeholders not working
/tab player Nyxiality customtabname %essentials_nickname%
shows only my playername, but in chat shows my gradient name31 Replies
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Requested by nyxiality#0
The command is correct, I've triple checked
you need to download placeholders essentials extension
/papi ecloud download Essentials
right?essentials doesn't support gradients
outcome would be entirely different if they didn't have it
It does. You just have to input each Hex code
Super handy to really stand out
Ok now I'm getting this
he doesn't know how to do
what plugin are you using to color your username?
cus i dont believe thats just essentials
I'll prove it
@Lunaiskey Hop on minecraft and input this command (assuming you have essentials)
so it is an essentials nick
perhaps tab just doesnt support it for whatever reason
It does, cuz its done it in the past
It did it for 1.19
well maybe tab doesnt support that formatting of the colors
I didnt do /papi reload
what did you do?
i just wonder why it wasnt working here
DIdnt have placeholders
After I got placeholders plugin, I got this
maybe tab took over formatting the %essentials_nickname% placeholder, then when you reloaded papi, essentials took over and finally added the colors
Now I'm getting this:
personally id use a ligher shade of blue then that cus its a bit dark
its why i dont use black color codes pretty much anywhere
Idk, it doesnt look like that in game
Discord compression messing it up I think
whats the issue now with this?
Nothing. Sorry forgot to close it
looks like an advertisement to me xD