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All posts for Admincraft
Fabric vs paper/purpur
Filler not working for new ranks menu using deluxemenus
Is there any papi extension that generates a random num?
Does Saberfactions work with dynmap
Subdomain issues
No X11 display variable was set
Forge or Fabric mod for land claim?
Looking for good custom leveling plug-in with eco and mcmmo
Looking for a good rank plugin.
Floating Nametag/Holographic Display and no way to remove it?!
"Root tag must be named a compound tag"
Need help setting up multiverse permissions
Forge Public Welcome Message
Coreprotect - restoring a destroyed chest
curseforge launcher issues
Tab Complete Plugin - Fabric Alternative
How do I allocate more memory to a modded server?
Is there a way to add plugins to server while online?
Suggestions for an Overviewer Replacement
Drop inventory only on PVP kills
SpongeForge breaking Pixelmon on Proxy
ItemsAdder not downloading resource pack material for some players problem?
Help with port forwarding (again)
Citizens command to give a item to player
What is spamming up my console?
Player sending message in chat kicks everyone
how i can make spawners physical item on virtualspawners I need to make them stealable
infrared proxy: connection refused
SQLiteLib 1.20 alternative
Preventing force op
Server sided fabric chunk loader for 1.20?
knockback player when collide with npc
Anyone having issues with griefdefender not recognizing flags?
is there any way to disable a command for operator on fabric
Researching Hosting Options. Needing Some Help
General Minecraft Server Resource Requirements
Root tag must be a named compound tag
Which plugin is this?
Asking for help where plugins led to concerning console texts along with C:User files
need help finding a plugin for pvp arena
Looking to improve my server [Spark report]
question about a possible bot
Server crash
How do I reduce or limit all mob spawns?
How do I prevent people from leaving the map and going into the default world across the void
How do I fix this
How do you change the "Material" of the items in ItemsAdder?
Is using they/them pronouns disrespectful?
Visual bug with the sun
How to fix a user getting timed out by keep alive?
burried treasure map
Elder Guardians not dropping tide armor template
Doubt with map dowloading
Unknown client trying to join
Can people ping my ip address?
Help with accessing server through a oracle VM
how do I put that it notifies players when someone has entered a different multiverse world
PaperMC luckperms /give @s minecraft:golden_shovel
Staff cant use world edit
i have a wierd problem, in my server with itemsadder and viaversion, the packs work for 1.19 users w
"You have reached the edge of this world" When i clearly didnt
spawning at diffrent worlds after quiting and joining server minecraft
Register system for cracked accounts on SMP
How to set different gamemodes or other stuff based on LuckPerms Roles?
Bedrock spawning at y=0 in 1.20.1??
[Looking for] Combat Plugin 1.19.4
Error In Specific Parts Of Map
Disabling spawn invincibility?
view distance & sim distance
Bedrock user keeps getting kicked for flying the second he joins. How do I fix?
how to change the pack description and resource pack icon in items adder?
Survival and creative
help with chunky
Looking for a program to convert a 1.12.2 server world to 1.8.8
ItemsAdder Logo
Hello so my players can't ride their camels but I can is there any permission to add to them?
how to solve this error
multiverse bed respawn glitch
How to disable spawn eggs?
Does anyone have a link to all of the "minecraft.*" permissions?/what does 'minecraft.admin' do?
WTF is being spammed in my server logs?
unsafe.park issue
How do I host a modded server and vanilla on the same Oracle Cloud VM at the same time?
Using Towny and Griefprevention
Looking for an Alternative to MineOS turnkey
I broke the DeluxeMenu plugin. (can't reload plugin or view this gui)
Teleporting yourself (@s) with a command block. Any help?
Running a specific command in bukkit.yml
Server hanging on shutdown?
Strange message in console
Is there a better free hosting service than Aternos?
Setting teleport delay per rank through essentials
Improved factions is giving TWO power when I unclaim ONE chunk
using the kitpvp plugin, how can I fix this?
Server specs for Minecraft hosting
ItemsAdder Custom Items in Geyser Bedrock
Showing player count of all Velocity Network servers
Questions about using a cloud VM to host a server
Connecting Modded and vanilla servers using Bungeecord.
Looking for Paper plugins for Builders
pterodactyl issue (not minecraft, but questions still seemed like the right channel)
batch file to automatically restart server?
ItemsAdder BetterRanks problem
increasing the server render distance can cause lag?
Driving Me Crazy
ender pearl stasis doesn’t work after server restart
modded server wont start
My server with Arclight 1.18.2 is crashing when generating world
how good is the oracle free tier for a 1.19 vanilla SMP with an average online of 15-20 players?
Plugin to scan world and inventories for a specific item?
Run Oracle Cloud 24/7
PSA: Massive Exploit - PlaceholderAPI (checkitem expansion)
Nether taking 20gb in space, is that normal?
Help setting up a /rtp portal with simpleportals
Server in docker container. What about performance?
Crashlog. GarbageCollection seems to not run
Crash only on servers
What version of citizens2 plugin is compatible with purpur 1.19.3 latest
Eye of Ender not leaving hand
Guide to Securing your Server? (Dupes / Exploits)
Chunk not loading properly after using aikar's flag
Can't figure out why server is lagging
Crash report help
Anticheat for crossplay server
Plugin like spice of life
How to link a fabric server to a WaterFall proxy?
Tips/Lessons learned from your own server's economy and chest shop.
get rid of invisible armor stand?
Ghost NBT blocks/entities on Paper/Purpur 1.20.1
Spawn point is some random place in the instead of beds
do panels like prerodactyl safely shutdown Minecraft servers when host shutsdown?
What server manager software can you recommend?
How many CPU cores should I have on my server?
1.20 Paper/Spigot Login Plugins?
Repawning sends player to worldspawn and not bed
MyCommand Overlay Feature Support
Paper config
Hi my players randomly got kicked out by message "chat validation error"
Nicknames sometimes reset when I reload?
How could I implement this idea I have for my server?
Connection difficulties on self-hosted server.
Issue running Minecraft Server with Pterodactyl on Clear Linux’s OpenJDK docker images
Says that some recipes has been unloaded? please help!
Anyone know how to disable anti-xray?
Spigot or paper
Java multiplayer
Show teams on tablist
Can someone tell me what could be causing performance issues?
Is there way to make work chunk loader on paper? (for all)
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Overworld settings missing
reconfiguring TAB for 1.20
How much memory for 10 online users on a PaperMC server
Server mods + plugins
Weird chest glitch needs help figuring out.
players on my server getting "kicked due to keepalive timeout"
Paper 1.19+ view distance config
EU and US server?
Server restart script
Velocity showing wrong version support
how are random people joining my unreleased server?
crazy ram usage
How do I remove chat reports?
Best anticheat currently?
dynmap alternatives
how do i prevent offhand for jobsreborn
how can i disable building and breaking in one of my multiverse worlds but they can break ores
Crash Report Help: Exception Ticking World
Custom loot tables and fortune problem
World Appear and Reapper
Protection on first join?
Keep Inventory In Reigion
World border question
Cant take dmg after a while on new modpack
Cosmetic mods for vips in fabric server
Some good plugins to prevent exploitation, duping, lagging etc?
best client jvm flags?
Disable rocket boosting
Sculk sensors killing my server?
how to lower server ms for other player? Everyone gets high ms on my server? (its hosted on my pc)
How to disable tp to spawn on join
how would i set a custom restart message ?
SRV records and forced hosts
Supplementaries mod
Host change/upgrade
Essentials type 1k instead of 1000
Is this a bug in 1.20.1?
has anyone used pufferpanel?
How to make afk room that gives afk keys
Securely making a server public
Best Paper Fork and version for Lobby and AuthLobby
DiscordSRV and Luckperms
Possible lagg?
Is there anyway to remove this things in the console
Received chat packet with missing or invalid signature.
Turn off worldguard messages?
Nicknames using essentials sync across bungeecord?
Paper vs Pufferfish vs Purpur
How to disable curse of vanishing/binding enchantment?
coreprotect for 1.18.2, need answer asap!!
Help with server frequent crash
Is there a way to limit the mobs by chunk?
World Seed
Rank Preffix not showing
advice for advertising/marketing a server?
good startup command for a 2 gig server pterodatcyl
mob switch 1.20
Players can't use signs
Unicode and putting them in-game
recommended value for max-tick-time?