Can no longer see players changing GameMode (Paper 1.20/CMI)
This is one of those "I swear I didnt change anything" problems. Today we noticed we can no longer see other players change their gamemode on my server. I Have checked the relevant gamerules and none of them have been flipped (CommandFeedback, etc) I am looking for any and all ideas what might have happend. Additionally we would like to set it up so that non-opped Admins and up can see when a fellow Admin changes gamemode
Paper 1.20
53 Replies
I'm having a similar issue on my spigot server, but no command output is shown to any player, including
but this only applies to vanilla commands and not commands added through pluginsI actually believe I have tracked down the problem (My problem that is, yours is a different thing), but not the solution
/minecraft:gamemode outputs to chat
/cmi:gamemode does not seem to output to chat
You will want to search the discord history for solutions, and then make a question of your own to get that answered
its not too large of an issue, and its a private whitelist server, so it's not really worth searching for a solution
My guess was that it was an issue with my build of spigot, but havent looked too deep into it
since you've solved your problem though you might as well mark your question as solved
Okay, but regardless, bringing your question into my thread was not the right move
i was more wondering if it was to do with spigot and since paper is a fork
but since it’s 2 different problems then obviously not
i was just busy at the moment and got side tracked with other things before i could finish what i was saying
All good. Also, Problem isnt entirely solved but I ran out of time to work on it for now 😐
@Cyats Have you try setting permission model from CMI that allows gamemode to your non-OP admin? Also, try use
to alias your command, which points the /gamemode to /cmi:gamemode .ur using spigot and not paper?
i’m hosting for 3 players and that’s just the jar file i ended up using
i was in a tiny rush because the server was strictly vanilla before hand but i wanted to troll a friend a little with a plugin i wrote and i didn’t know if i had to configure paper off the top of my head but i knew i could drag and drop spigot
one of the main issues with spigot is that it skips ticks
i’ll look to swap the jars then, we haven’t had any issues so far though
It's better to use paper server jar as the base of your server, it got better performance upgrades compared to spigot
it was more of a "lets play on the server, oh wait let me change the jars real quick so I can use this plugin I made. Does paper have extra configs i need to worry about? oh whatever I know spigot is a drop in replacement for the vanilla one so I dont need to worry about anything else since i dont want them waiting too long" kind of thing
if u want dupes to work
It doesn't matter. Im on purpur fork of fork of paper. And im running on let's play and have fun server
he doesnt care about performance improvements afaik, and honestly if u have the right hardware for a few friends u dont need to optimise it more, with paper if u want normal dupes to work use the plugin called GravityControl to enable gravity based dupes, and enable tnt duping in papers config
ur not the only person
GitHub - YouHaveTrouble/minecraft-optimization: Minecraft server op...
Minecraft server optimization guide. Contribute to YouHaveTrouble/minecraft-optimization development by creating an account on GitHub.
so it can matter to him
You can read all this if you are interested
hes not trying to run a public server
We do our best. That's all
oh yeah, that would actually kill a lot of our farms lol
its for a few friends and he has the performance he needs
yeah thats why u should use those 2 things to readd em kek
Then run paper
That's all you need
paper by itself patches tnt
and gravity dupes
UNLESS u do the things i just said
the disconnect is that its 3 people. I run vanilla in 90% of my servers unless its a forge server lol
There's config to disable that right
read the convo'
ur in the middle of
lol its okay, i know whats best for me
yeah thats fine
but i do recommend paper with those changes, its quite a bit better and doesnt skip ticks
can be quite a issue
i was hitting a performance wall with atm8 about 6 months back, but swapping to a higher throughput ebs disk did fix that
i didnt think about pregen until one of the questions posted here today ?
other than that i dont think ive ever really had to deal with lag because of how small the player count is
pregen is great
modded or not
yeah, i guess in like 99.9% of situations it is
i really dont have issues with generating new chunks since we play in the same area, but I can see how if you have 20 players spread out in the word it can be an issue
when we swap servers i move the words to s3 so I dont have to have them take up ebs disk space, which costs money (although not a lot admittedly) and if the disk space is super large that could get annoying
either way im coping
i just pay like 4-5 euros a month if i want to do world uploads
and get a tb of storage
frankly im not too sure how much the ec2 disks cost. Its hard to find any documentation on it, so I just move everything to s3 so i dont get caught off gaurd with a large bill
yeah im coping
its like 8 cents/gb a month
ur hosting it on aws?
its fun? i guess
thats like 80 usd a month per tb
have u tried oracle cloud?
or like hetzner cloud ampere
i'd have to look into it, but when I was originally doing everything, probably 2 or something years ago, i didnt even know orcale had cloud hosting
in my young brain it was just aws vs azure vs gcp
oracle cloud is free
24 gb of ram 4 ampere vcores
200 gb
that is nice, ampere is arm?
i remember seeing something about it a little bit ago
hetzner has good prices ampere cloud instances aswell
it shouldnt have a performance hit though because of the jvm?
only in germany tho'
java is cross-architecture
there are arm builds of it
thats what i meant
so no performance hit afaik
thats wild
is the linux tooling 1:1?
thats like
the noobiest thing ive said ever
the core utils have to be built for arm since I use my raspberry pi
ill look into it
but i was paying 10-20 dollars a month for 16 gb 2 cores, which compared to linode was really nice at the time
i have been*
from where
its charged based on uptime, and since we only play a couple hours a day its been fine
yeap, ill look into it though