Server mods + plugins

I want to create my own server with my friends with mods and plugins to have judge, police... roles but i saw that magma, mohist, arclight... dont work very good. So what can i do. PD: I want this plugins: Multiversecore2, essentialsx, luckperms, excellentcrates, worldguard, worldedit, griefprevention.
4 Replies
ProGamingDk2y ago
use spongeforge i guess worldedit has a mod version, luckperms has aswell
CtrlAltDelMe2y ago
Stick to forge No hybrids What does multiverse core 2? Essentialsx can be replaced with FTB essentials Luck perms supports forge officially Excellent crates idk but I'm sure there's a mod for that Instead of world guard you can focus on a good backup system World edit has a native forge version Grief protection can be replaced by other mod
ProGamingDk2y ago
thats just the name of multiverse core
CtrlAltDelMe2y ago
Oh it does multiple things I bet most of them can be replaced with a mod Hybrid = caca

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