50 Replies
Not to be a jerk but why would you want to do this
i would assume you would need a server side mod to do this, usually if you were using spigot/paper/forks it would be in the bukkit.yml
I was looking up the exact same thing today and I found this, which hopefully works but I havent tested it yet
Planet Minecraft
Disable End Portals Minecraft Data Pack
About This data pack makes it so you can disable end portals! To disable or enable end portals, Just run the function 'disable' to disable...
Im testing it right now
It does not
If you find something pls hmu
they wanted to disable the end completely, not just disable portals
What would be the difference?
disabling the end would prevent the dimension from actually loading
including the generation of the end world folder
tho ig disabling a portal would be good enough for most
since that one is just server
Yeah Im testing the second one rn
The first one is only for 1.19.2
oh that one is fucking quilt
like wtf
Yeah but it seems to start up at least
might not matter
Also doesnt work
Or it could be a mod incompatibility
well it does say quilt so id assume its only functional with quilt
you dont want end to have any files or that no player can enter. If second just make datapack in update.mcfunction add /execute in minecraft:overworld as @a[dimension=minecraft:the_end] run tp @s <x> <y> <z>
I still want to know why anyone would want to do this on their server
maybe he was mods that make end op?
I want to temp disable the end so I don't get an annoying speedrunner there, killing the dragon and looting everything dry
Ohhh I see. Sorry if it seemed like I was insinuating anything by it. Just wanted to know. That is definitely a smart solution.
Nahh dw about it
Im always curious about how other ppl manage servers too
i just made event where end was opened and there was only one portal on map. First find first serve
I have no idea how datapacks work but I'll give that a try
i can help
Yes please
I just downloaded a template and now Im making a text file called update.mcfunction and Imma put /execute in minecraft:overworld as @a[dimension=minecraft:the_end] run tp @s <x> <y> <z> in it
Is that close to how that works?
it is tick
not update
Ah ty
Ill try it tomorrow if it works, its already 00:47 here lol
Thanks for the help!
you gmt+2?
Gmt+1 I think
But I got summer time and winter time so sometimes its +/- one hour
Personally I never had to deal with this bc my world was a single player world before I uploaded it to the server hosting site, so by the time my server had consistent players the end was extremely raided. I am now having to deal with the issue of trimming all the outer end islands and it is a pain in my rear
Do u use MCAselector?
Works really well for me
U can just select all chunks u wanna delete
But now Im really going to bed
I know ur going to bed but to answer your question yes I use mcaselector but I’m having to find a new ftp file access program because FileZilla refuses to cooperate with me
Is that a good file access service?
its a ftp program
ahhh ok. I'll try it. thank you.
I tried this but that doesnt work, any ideas?
Seems like "dimension" isnt recognised
remove <> from coords
Tried that too but doesnt work either
what minecraft version you have server on?
Could it be that I didnt change the pack version?
no, give me a sec i need to test something
use this command it checks if player loaded specific block if true tp in overworld to x y z
100 50 0 is end platform
wait wrong
this is working version
minecraft moved dimension to nbt data of player this why it didnt work
I tried it in singleplayer but it doesnt show up in the select datapack screen
Could it be that my file structure is incorrect?
Ohhh datapacks cant be a .rar file?
I think thats the issue, gonna try it now
Still doesnt work
Could it be this?
Thank you very much @Deleted User!!!
And thanks a youtube tutorial that also helped lol