modded server doesnt start up keeps crashing this is the crash report it doesnt start up the server
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Requested by Xaucy#3070
Issue is with Thaumcraft.
Report to the dev or remove the mod ig
okay let me try removing it
Make backups
no need
im trying to start a new world
but it doesnt start
basically i took the mods of the tekxit 3.14 pi and added some mods to it but its still crashing after i removed thaumcraft

and thats the srver type i put
Try removing the mods you added
And adding them back in one at a time until they stop loading
the thing is I also tried putting the Tekxit 3.14 it worked once
Then the other time it kept crashing
and that one time it worked I couldn’t join the server even though I put the same mods in my minecraft
So idk what else to do
You haven't given me anything useful to work off with
what do you recommend I do should try removing half the mods
Remove the mods you added to the pack and start there.
If you're crashing, send some server logs here and I'll help you out.
But start with a known working spot. A pre-made mod pack is a great starting spot.
it says this when i try joining my server

make sure you remove the mod locally too
i think it was draconic evolution causig the crash
like from my computer?
i did
why does it say wheat recipe tho

also says this
@Señor Leche anything